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来源:网络 2017-07-03 编辑:朗阁小编 雅思托福0元试学



朗阁海外考试研究中心   张朔






Part 1考题总结




Where’s your hometown?

Do you like your hometown?

What do you like most about it?

Is there anything you don’t like about your hometown?

Are there any tourist attractions?

Where would you like to live in the future?

Has your hometown changed at all?



Do you live in a house or an apartment?

What does it look like?

How long have you lived there?

What do you usually do in your room?

In the future, what type of place would you like to live in?

Is there anything you don't like about the place where you live?

What’s the difference between where you live now and in the past?



What job do you do?

What are you responsible for in your job?

Why did you choose to do that job?

Do you like your job?

Is there anything you don’t like about your job?

Have you ever wanted to change your job?

What would you like choose if you had the chance to change your job?



Are you a student or do you work?

What is your major?

Do you like your major?

What’s the most interesting part in your major?

What subjects do you like or dislike?

What are you going to do after graduation?



Letters and email

Do you like writing letters or sending emails?

How often do you write emails or letters?

How do you feel when you receive a letter or an email?

Willemails replace letters sometimein the future?

Have you ever sent an email?



Do you play cellphone games or computer games?

What kind of video games do you like?

Is it good for young guys to play video games?

Should parents forbid their kids to play video games?

Do you think video games are going to be more popular?



Did you watch TV when you were a kid?

Do you watch TV a lot now?

What programs do you like?

Do you like watching TV alone or with others?

Do you like ads in the middle of TV shows?



Are you interested in robots? Why?

Do you like robot films?

Would you like to have robots working in your home?

Would you like to travel by a car that is driven by a robot?

Will robots replace people in the future?



Do you like wearing watches?

Have you ever gotten a watch as a gift?

Should we buy pricy watches?

What do you care about when you buy watches?

Who likes watches more, girls or boys?



Have you ever learned any instruments?

Should kids have music classes in school?

What are traditional Chinese musical instruments like?

Is it easy to play an instrument?

What are the influences music has on people?


What is politeness in your opinion?

When you were a child who taught you to be polite?

Why is it important to be polite to others?

Do you think people became more or less polite in your country compared to when you were a child?

Do you think we should be polite to those who are not polite to us?




Do you like jewelry?

What kind of jewelry do you wear the most?

Why do some people like to wear jewelry?

Have you bought any jewelry?

Have you ever sent anyone jewelry?


Sunny Days

Do you like sunny days?

What do you like to do in sunny days?

Do you prefer to stay at home or do some outdoor activities in sunny days?

Do you like sunshine?

What would you do if you get sunshine?

Do Chinese use solar energy?



Do you like travelling by bus?

Do you prefer to travel by bus or underground?

What do you think are the advantages of buses?

Do you think you’ll take underground more than bus in the future?

How do you think the government could improve buses in your country?



Do you like fruits?

How often do you eat fruits?

What’s your favourite fruit? Why?

What are the benefits of eating fruits?



What do people usually do on birthdays in your country?

What did you do on your last birthday?

Do you think it’s important to do something special on birthdays? Why/Why not?

Do you think birthdays are more special for children or adults? Why?

Do people in China celebrate birthdays?


Daily Routine

What do you usually do in your daily time?

What is your favourite time of a day?

Are your weekday and weekend routines different?

What do you think is the worst part of the day?

Do you have any good habits?



When did you begin to learn history?

Do you like learning history?

Do you think it’s possible to learn history from TV programmes/ films?

Do you think the Internet is a good place to learn history?



Do you like reading magazines? Why/Why not?

How often do you read magazine?

Are magazines popular in your country?

What’s your favourite kind of magazines?

What kids of people like to read magazines, the young or the old?


Bringing things

What do you usually bring when you go out?

Do you bring different things during days and nights?

How do you remind yourself to bring something?

Have you ever forgotten to bring anything?

Do men and women bring different things when they go out?



Do you like music?

What types of music do you usually listen to?

When/Where do you listen to music?

What’s your favorite kind of music?

When did you start listening to this kind of music?

Can you play a musical instrument?

Do you think it’s important to learn to play a musical instrument?

Do you prefer to listen to recorded music or live music?



Do you often have dreams at night? / What do you usually dream about?

Have you had a bad dream before?

Do you think it’s good to have a lot of dreams?

Do you remember your dream when you wake up?

What was the strangest dream you have had?

Do you like to hear others' dreams?

Do you think dream will affect life?

Do you share your dreams with others?


Outdoor activities

Do you like outdoor activities?

What outdoor activities/sports do you like to do when you were a kid?

Did you play outdoor games alone or in a team?

Do the old in China like to do outdoor activities?

What types of outdoor activities are popular in your country?

Do you think parks are good for outdoor activities?


Indoor games

What indoor games did you play when you were a kid?

What indoor games do you want to learn?

What activities are popular among kids?

Do you prefer indoor games or outdoor games?

What indoor games do the old like to do?



How often do you use your mirror?

Do you often buy mirrors?

Do you think a mirror is a necessary decoration in your place?

Do you look into a mirror when you buy new clothes?

Why do some girls like using mirrors so much?



Do people in your country do much housework?

In your home, who does (most of) the housework?

Do you help your family with housework?

What housework do you like to do?

Is there any housework you dislike doing?

What housework did you do when you were a child?

Do you think children should do housework?



Are there many advertisements in your country?

How do you feel about advertisements?

Have you ever bought anything on advertisements?

Why do you think there are so many ads now?

Do you prefer to serious ads or funny ads?

How do you feel about the ads on buildings?

How do you feel about the pop-up ads when you go online?



What transport do you like to take when you go traveling?

Do you prefer public transport or private transport when you go out?

Which did you choose the last time you went out? Why?

What advice would you give to the visitors to your country on transport?

How can the government encourage people to take the public transport?




Do you have many friends?

How do you communicate with your friends?

What do you do after work or study with friends? / What do you like to do with friends? Why?

Do you have any foreign friends?

Do you prefer to have a best friend or several not so close friends?

What kinds of friends do you want to have in the future?

Do you like to make friends online?



What kinds of teachers do you like best?

Who was your favorite teacher when you were young?

Would you want to be a teacher in the future?

Have you ever had bad teachers before?

Are teachers in China strict?

Is it important for students to like their teachers?

What may happen if students don’t like their teachers?


Pop Star

Who’s your favorite pop star?

Would you want to be a pop singer in the future?

In general how do people become pop stars?

What are the general qualities of pop stars?

Can you give me some examples of pop stars in your grandfather’s time?



Do you have neighbors?

How do you get along with your neighbors?

Have your neighbors ever helped you?

Do you think it’s important to have neighbors?

Do you prefer elder people to be your neighbors or families with children?


Part 2考题总结



The most polite person that you know.

Afamily member who made you proud

An interestingneighborof yours

Two people from the same family

An experience when you spent time with a child

A helpful person at work/school

A time when a person gave a clever solution to a problem

A new friend of yours

A happy couple



A place in other countries where you would like to work

A shop that just opened in your hometown

A café you like to visit

A popular place where people like to go swimming

An interesting house or apartment you visited

A time you had good experience in the countryside

A tour in a city

A time you went to a crowded place

A place near water that you enjoyed visiting



A kind of foreign food you have had

A book that you want to read again

A well-paid job that you will be good at

A big company or organization in your city

A website you like to use

A kind of weather you like

A sculpture or work of art you have seen

A radio or TV program that you like to talk about with others

An important plant in your country that you like (such as fruits, flowers or vegetables)

A popular invention

Your favorite piece of clothing



A time when you arrived early for an important appointment

A special meal you have had

An activity this is a little expensive

Describe an event in history in your country

An activity that you feel excited

A plan in your life (that is not related to work or study)

An experience that you were waiting for something

An occasion that you received a good service from a restaurant or shop

A decision made by others that you disagreed with

Atime you had good experience in the countryside

An interesting talk or speech

An experience that you are not allowed to use your mobile phone

An experience that made you laugh

A sport you enjoyed watching

Something you’ve wanted to do for a long time but haven’t done yet

An occasion that everyone laughed

A happy experience in your childhood that you remember well

A time when you received something free (such as a free meal or movie)

An occasion that you had a special cake

An interesting conversation with a stranger

An English lesson that you enjoyed

A time when you moved to a new school or home

An important change in your life

A time when you had a challenging experience



How do you feel about ads?

Analysis:谈到feeling, 一定可以从两方面来谈,即积极与消极。Ads积极方面:给予我们产品的信息;消极方面:可能带有误导性。

Sample Answer:

Well I think some ads are helpful since they provide potential customers with useful information about the products, whereas some are annoying because they are deceptive and misleading, causing people to spend unnecessary money to buy something useless or even counterfeit products.


Do you prefer serious advertisements or funny advertisements?

Analysis:一说到prefer, 一定可以分情况讨论,即用It depends开头。严肃的产品适用严肃的广告,轻松的产品适用轻松的广告,再举个例子,这道题就成了。这一类题目其实都可按照该套路来完成,即It depends -两种情况 - 分别举例。

Sample Answer:

I think it depends on products. Say if it’s an ad for children’s toy, a funny one should be a better choice as it can attract children’s attention. However if it’s for some medical apparatus, I would suggest a serious one, so that it will look more professional.


How do you think the government could improve buses in your country?


Sample Answer:

First, the punctuality shall be ensured. To avoid traffic jams, there should be special lanes for buses where private cars are not allowed to take. This requires government’s strict surveillance and regulation to be effectively implemented. Besides, it would be great if more buses using clean energy can be promoted to reduce pollution.


Do you think dreams can affect your life?



Dream of falling坠落的梦

Dream of flying飞行的梦

Dream of teeth falling out梦到牙掉了

Dream you can't run梦到不会跑




Can escape normal life可以逃避普通生活

Can show you something about yourself 可以映射自己

Help you cope with stress帮助解压

Help you cope with depression 帮助减少抑郁


May bring up bad memories可能会带来不好的回忆

Can make you feel depressed when you wake up and realise it's not real


Sample answer:

I'm not sure they can have long term effects on your life, but a dream can certainly affect your mood on a single day. For example, if I have a sad dream then I might feel depressed and down in the dumps for a few hours when I wake up.


Would you use mirrors to decorate your room?


Sample answer:

The closet,maybe,but not my bedroom.Never in a million year will I put a mirror in my room.Mirrors facing beds are the worst.They just give me the creeps.


Are you interested in robots? Why?


Sample answer:

Sure,I do.Robots are sort of all the rage these days,and it helps me a lot.What I’m trying to say is that it’s a perfect helper in my daily life.I’ve got a wireless robot vacuum and a robot cooker,and these two robots do me a lot of favor.And I just love them.




Part 1:

1. 问题更深入,需要考生表达更多,且不会单停留在一些简单的题型上,比如like or dislike。甚至有时候会设计Part 3常见的社会问题、解决方案问题等。

2. 问题更加细化,如广告话题细化至不同广告类型,如建筑物广告、弹窗广告等。如考生不知道题干中的相关表达,或对此类广告完全不了解,则无从下手。

3. 出现了很多和时间有关的问题,比如讨论小时候的情况和展望未来的题目,以及频率类问题等。


至于Part 2,各类意想不到的迷之话题,例如a clever solution或a decision made by others that you disagree等,着实让各位烤鸭捶胸顿足,不知如何开口。可以说,Part 2考题也是越来越细化,深入生活中的每一个细节。但是无论考题怎么变,我们只要注意训练description这个技能,两分钟就不再漫长。Description一是要求会用描述性语言,常见的有形容词副词的使用等;更重要的一点是,一定要学会举例子。举例子这个方法笔者一直推荐,好处有二:1. 举了例子,尤其是贴近生活的例子,考生会更加容易展开,思路不会断,用词也相对容易;2. 举例子是一种论证方法,实例的支撑让你的论述有理有据,逻辑上也更为完善。


来到Part 3, Part3与Part 1相比,更加抽象,也就是思维上的难度更大。但是考生不要惊慌,尽量把高大上的问题简化为生活常见问题。怎么简化,较简单较常用的办法还是举例。一个论点,一个实例支撑;或如列举两个以上原因,挑出一个重点,举个生活化的例子在后面。切忌泛泛而谈,通篇陈述。










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