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Reading Passage 1



Question types:


Complete the table 8题






The History of Russian Ballet

17th Century

Ballet in Russia was created by foreigners and yet it is most definitely "Russian". In the 17th century ballet was introduced into Russia by the second Romanov ruler Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich (1629-1676, reigned from 1645) for his wedding festivities.

Peter the Great (1672-1725, reigned from 1682) took a personal interest in dancing at his court by bringing in Western dances and taking part in them himself. With the help of his prisoners from the Swedish wars -- the Swedish officers -- he taught his courtiers.


18th Century

The dissemination of ballet in Russia and its deep rooted appeal to all Russians can be traced back to those nobles who, often living so far away from the capital, commanded their own entertainment, setting up ballet troupes often composed of serfs who had been trained at the Imperial School.

The formal beginning of Russian ballet can be traced back to a letter written in 1737 to the Empress Anne (1693-1740, reigned from 1730) by the teacher of gymnastics at the Imperial Cadet School.

The letter states: "I humbly ask Your Majesty that I shall be given twelve children -- six males and six females -- to create ballets and theater dances using twelve persons of comic and serious character. These pupils, by the end of the first year, will dance with cadets; in two years they will execute different dances; in three years they will not be less than the best of foreign dancers."

The request by Frenchman Jean Batiste Lande (died 1748 in St Petersburg) was granted on May 15, 1738 and the first Russian school of dancing was given two rooms in the Old Winter Palace.

Later this school became the St. Petersburg Imperial Ballet School.

Imperial patronage always ensured that ballet in Russia remained a vigorous art form. Successive tsars invited foreign ballet masters to develop the art. The history of the Russian ballet consists of the gradual absorption of this foreign knowledge by the Russians themselves until the art became indigenous.

Catherine the Great, a great patron of the arts, established the Directorate of the Imperial theaters, giving it control over ballet. At a Moscow Orphanage in 1774 she started a ballet school under the direction of Filippo Beccari. In 1765 she brought the Italian dancer-composer-choreographer Domenico Angiolini (1731-1803) to St Petersburg. Angiolini composed the first heroic Russian ballet Semira in 1772. He was one of the first choreographers to move away from ballet as a divertissement, a mere history in costume, to a psychological drama.




判断题:顺序题型,注意定位词和考点词,注意区分FALSE和NOT GIVEN的辨析,FALSE是文章有提到信息并且与题目信息对立,NOT GIVEN是文章没有提及题目所问信息,所以考点词的推测对区分FALSE和NOT GIVEN有很大影响。



Reading Passage 2



Aqua Product: New Zealand’s Algae Bio-diesel

Question types:

Which paragraph contains the following information 5题

Summary Completion 5题

Short answer questions 3题


15-19 Which paragraph contains the following information?

You may use any letter more than once .

15. It is unnecessary to modify vehicles driven by bio-diesel. 选:D

16. Some algae are considered edible plants. 选:E

17. Algae could be part of a sustainable and recycled source. 选:C

18. Algae bio-diesel is superior to other bio-fuels in a lot of ways. 选:G

19. Overgrown algea also can be a potential threat to environment.选:F


2 0-24 Comple

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