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来源:网络 2012-07-13 编辑:PMC_eavy 雅思托福0元试学


将为大家介绍 ,在雅思写作中,有些常用的词起到的非常大的作用,却往往不被考生加以足够的重视,比如“with”。这个词在雅思写作中是一个关键,with 在雅思写作中恰到好处的运用,对进步雅思写作的水平有非常大的作用。

    将为大家介绍 ,在雅思写作中,有些常用的词起到的非常大的作用,却往往不被考生加以足够的重视,比如“with”。这个词在雅思写作中是一个关键,with 在雅思写作中恰到好处的运用,对进步雅思写作的水平有非常大的作用。




① 好处:a.表顺承意义:伴随、因果、条件等。b.不受语法上前后主谓一致的限制。

② 注意事项:a. “with”后面用名词或动名词。 b. “with”结构可以和主句有逻辑关系




⑴ Governments all over the world are making great efforts to protect environment.

改:Great efforts are being made to protect environment by governments all over the world.

⑵ More and more people agree (realize/ accept/ are aware) that women should enjoy full equality with men.

改:It is increasingly agreed (realized/ accepted) that women should enjoy full equality with men.

⑶ This society still makes women unable to enjoy equal right to pay and promotion.

改:Women are still denied the equal right to pay and promotion.

(deny sb. sth./ deny sth. to sb.: 不准某人获得某物或做某事)




① 所有的学生都穿校服会极大地提*校的形象。

With all the students wearing (wear) uniforms together, it will be a great boost to the image of the school.

② 那样的传统服装由现代人穿在身上,做着现代人的事情,那些服装所承载的文化价值只会被减少而不是被进步。

With such traditional clothes worn (wear) by modern people doing (do) modern jobs, the cultural values carried (carry) by these clothes would be reduced rather than enhanced.

③ 然而,这并不意味着由父母双亲给宝贝给精神支持和榜样的传统家庭不是较令人满意的抚养子女的形式。

However, this does not mean that the traditional families, with both parents providing (provide) emotional support and role models for their children is not the most satisfactory way of bring up (raising/ rearing) children.


④ 虽然不意味着所有的旧技术都必然有价值,但我觉得,无论如何,它们都不会是毫无意义的。

Without suggesting(suggest)that all the old technologies are necessarily valuable, I think they are by no means (*不会) pointless, in any case/ at any rate.(无论如何).

⑤ 学校D在标尺的另一端,在那个年龄组有8%的学生抽烟。

School D is on the other end of the scare, with 8% of the students in that age group smoking (smoke).

⑥ 接下来就是Sri Lanka, 全体工作人中有37%是女性。

Next comes (come) Sri Lanka, with 37% of the total workforce being (be) women.


⑦ 非洲, 亚洲 和拉丁美洲的发展我国家在1975年经历了较显著的城市增长率,其中,非洲有大约每年5%的增长率,拉丁美洲刚超过4%,亚洲刚超过3%。

The developing countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America experienced the most dramatic urban growth rate in 1975, with Africa having (have) around 5% per annum, Latin America just over (over) 4%, and Asia over (over) 3%.

⑧ X是较大的生产者,其产量占总产量的45%。

X was the largest producer, with 45% of the total production.

⑨ 在1999年,我国是*上较大的水稻生产国,产量几乎有193百万吨。

In 1999, China was the greatest producer of rice, with nearly 193 million tons.






雅思 写作 关键词with

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  • 适用人群
  • 词汇量1000
  • 词汇量1500
  • 词汇量2000以上
  • 词汇量6000以上
  • 开课时间
  • 热报中
  • 滚动开班
  • 即将开班
  • 热报中



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