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来源:网络 2014-07-16 编辑:朗阁培训小编 雅思托福0元试学



1. 一般现在时的第三人称单数不加“s”
In modern society the competition exist everywhere, such as in doing business, in looking for job and in working in office. Therefore it affect our life and thought at different level and also children’s education. Parents hope their children will live in better status in their future. So they want to train their children suitable for the modern society. I agree to encourage children to do more competitive sport.
2. 可数名词不加定冠词或单复数不分
How to educate children is difficult and complicated question to answer. There are a lot of theories we can find. But every parent has his own and different solution. There is not standard result. Some of parents may say that children should be educated earlier. However others do not agree. Earlier controlling young children’s behavior will stifle their intelligence. I think we should properly guide your children to our social standard.
Time is justice for human. Everybody enjoys the same time, twenty four hours per day. Therefore managing time on career and family is skillful. It resembles balance which holds career and family at its two sides. Problem will happen if imbalance occurs. If more time is spent on career, it will result in less time on family. it means that people has less time to stay with family, less time to take care of children and partner. He will maybe lose their love and happiness. The marriage will be probably broken. Oppositely, position will be not promoted easily.
    在上面的段落中,划线的2个名词,“balance”前面应该加“a”; 而“problem”应该为复数形式。其实平时我们在写作的时候,在写完一个可数名词时,我们要刻意留意下其在句中的意思,比如是特指,还是泛指,是一般还是个别,然后使用合适的冠词或数来写。
3. 乱用连接词
With the recent ten years global economy growing rapidly, more and more people become rich and have time to go out for travel, abroad or domestically. Meanwhile it is also causing some troubles and problems meanwhile though it brings contribution to GDP partially. Because I read an article about the number of international travel which is going down. I think that it is a good news.
    上面的段落中其实处的“meanwhile”使用并没有太大问题,问题出在紧接着的第二个“meanwhile”上,作者想当然的将其作为“and”的功能使用了,而且在它后面他又加了一个连接词“though”,这样一来整个意思就完全错误了。尽管句子中还有其他一些小问题,但是就这2个连词的使用上,若作者再仔细考虑下所要表达的意思,就不会犯这样的低级错误了。正确的写法应该为:“Meanwhile, it has also caused some troubles and problems though it may contribute to a country’s GDP to some degree.”在选择和使用连词时,我们要遵循的原则首先是句子的中文意思,根据相邻两个句子的意思才能准确做出选择;其次是灵活原则,同一个意思的连接词有很多,而且有些词后面接的是句子,而有些词接的是词组,如果需要连续使用同一个意思,那么就要换不同的连词;较后我们还要注意在使用连词时尽量一个段落中不要有同样的一个连词重复使用,这样可以增加词汇表达的多样性。接下来我们再来看一个段落:
First reason is that more and more people move into cities. It causes no much space in the cities to do physical exercise. Secondary, the usage of computer and internet causes people to stay home and not willing to go out. Furthermore, due to working pressure, people, especially white collars, do not have vigour to do physical exercise. In addition, the tertiary industry is developing and more and more people work in office, not at workshop. It causes them less labour work

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