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来源:网络 2016-02-14 编辑:朗阁小编 雅思托福0元试学





Describe a time that someone didn’t tell you the whole truth.
I want to talk about that on my last birthday, my parents called me and told me that they did not have time to come back home and hold my birthday party together with me. They said happy birthday for me and they told me they loved me so much and would give me gifts when they came back. I felt very disappointed but I stayed with my grandparents. I had to pretend to be happy because I did not want them to be worried about me. At dinner, my grandmother took out a letter and told me it was from my father. I felt surprised and opened it. My father told me he felt proud of me, his son, and he trusted me to be independent and brave as a man. I relieved my disappointment. I had great dinner with my grandparents. However, when my father came back, I talked about the letter. My father looked embarrassed and he did not write me that letter. That was from my grandmother. She imitated the handwriting of my father’s. She just wanted me to be happy. I had complex feeling. I know both of them loved me. This white lie is not a perfect one, but I accepted.



雅思培训 雅思口语 * 故事

雅思托福 全套备考资料


  • 适用人群
  • 词汇量1000
  • 词汇量1500
  • 词汇量2000以上
  • 词汇量6000以上
  • 开课时间
  • 热报中
  • 滚动开班
  • 即将开班
  • 热报中



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