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来源:网络 2014-08-04 编辑:朗阁培训小编 雅思托福0元试学



{*考题} Do you love flowers?
参考答案:I am crazy about all kinds of flowers, because they all look gorgeous and smell adorable. And flowers can always bring me a good mood and make my day! I don’t think there is anyone would be able to resist the temptation of the amazing fragrance from the flowers.
参考答案:Yes, I love flowers. My favorite flowers are white roses and white lilies, which, in my opinion, are forever a classic match. I often put a huge bunch of white roses and white lilies on the table of my living room as well as the dining room. Those gorgeous flower arrangements give an intimate flavor to my place and the fragrance is irresistible. They can always put me in a good mood and make my day!
{常见考题}What are the most popular flowers in China?
参考答案:There are many different kinds of popular flowers in China: roses, peonies, carnations, tulips, daisies, chrysanthemums and many others. Among them, roses are my favorite, because they represent love. And love, I believe, is one of the very few things which can’t be measured by money.
{常见考题}What kind of flowers do you love most?
参考答案:Actually, I love all kinds of flowers. As to my favorite, I think it is supposed to be white rose. Because I once read “Red rose whispers passion; white rose breathes of true love. When all the passion fades, true love will forever stay!” So I love white rose so much and I think this is why brides in western countries are always holding a bunch of white roses in their hands.
{魔鬼考题} What special meanings do different flowers mean?
参考答案:Since I am not a flower expert, I don’t know what different flowers mean exactly. I just know red rose means passion; white rose means true love; lily means devotion and pureness; tulip means dignity; carnation means happiness and lavender means romance. But I think their meanings vary a lot from culture to culture.
参考答案:Different flowers have different meanings. Roses represent love; carnations express gratitude to a mother and chrysanthemums mean friendship. I admit I don’t know them all, but you can always look up the name of a particular flower in a flower guide book or on the Internet.
参考答案:I think that every flower has a special meaning. Of course, everyone knows that roses represent love and carnations stand for the love for a mother. But my grandfather also taught me that lilies are pure while violets symbolize loyalty or faithfulness. I personally like lotus flowers because they are compared to people who manage to achieve success in life though they come from a less privileged background.
{温馨提示}         *是在考查考生的英文表达能力,所以考生没有必要追求花语的准确性,甚至可以适当地发挥自己的想象。
{魔鬼考题} On what occasion do Chinese people send flowers to others?
参考答案:There are a few occasions when people send flowers to others in China. On Valentine’s Day, boys buy roses for their girlfriends. And on Mother’s Day, children give carnations to their mother. When people drop by a friend’s house, flowers are a sign of good wishes.
参考答案:It depends on which occasion we are talking about here. If it is on Valentine’s Day, roses can never go wrong; if it is on Mother’s Day, nothing would be better than a bunch of well wrapped carnations; if you are visiting a patient, lilies would fit perfectly.
参考答案:When it comes to some festivals or some special occasions, we usually send flowers as a kind of sincere blessing, like Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, someone’s birthday or visiting a patient.
{魔鬼考题}Do the Chinese love gardening?
参考答案:Yes, I think so, especially those elderly people. They always plant flowers on their balconies. They water them and fertilize them every day, which can spice up their day and cultivate their temperaments.
{魔鬼考题}Where do Chinese people usually plant flowers, in garden or on balconies?
参考答案: It depends on whether they live in houses or flats. If they live in houses, they usually have a garden to plant all sorts of flowers; if they live in flats they can only plant some flowers in pots on the window sills or on balconies.
{魔鬼考题} What influence do you think planting flowers has on people?
参考答案:Planting flowers can cultivate people’s temperament and make them feel relaxed and refreshed. And when flowers are in full blossom, the fragrance is intoxicating. The people who plant those flowers will get a great sense of satisfaction and achievement.
{魔鬼考题}  Are there any gardens in your home town?
参考答案: There is a very large public garden near my home. It is full of coconut trees and beautiful flowers, like daisy, lily and roses of all colors. It’s like a dream place when those flowers are in blossom. Taking a little walk there every day can indeed refresh our mind.
{魔鬼考题} Do you love going to parks or gardens?
参考答案:Yes, definitely. I think running in the morning or taking a walk after dinner at park can really make me relax. I most love the time when I am taking a walk at sunset, enjoying the beautiful burnt orange sky while listening to the lovely birds singing happily in trees.
{魔鬼考题}What can people do in gardens or parks?
参考答案: People can do a variety of stuff there. Old people can play shadow boxing (tai chi) or just go for a walk with their dog or cat; young people would like to go jogging and some of school kids will even do some reading  or play hide-and-seek there. It’s pretty cool!
{魔鬼考题} What do you usually do when you go to parks?
参考答案:Actually, there are so many things I can do when I am in a park. First, if the weather is cool enough, I will play badminton or go for a walk with my family there. You know, it is always nice to spend some quality time with them. Besides, I love to jump on a swing and swing as high as I can, which makes me feel that I were back to childhood again. Sometimes, I can fly a kite myself or just sit on the bench watching kids play hide-and-seek.
{魔鬼考题}Why do you think people like gardens and parks?
参考答案:People nowadays undergo so much pressure that they have to get relaxed. For them, going to the gardens or the parks is the best choice. You just need to pay a very small amount of money for the monthly entrance fee about 20 yuan a month. Then you can go there every day, escaping the noisy surroundings, enjoying the rare natural beauty. For some gardens and parks, you don’t even have to pay. It’s just free.
? bunch [b?nt?] 串,束n.
? intimate [''intimit] 亲密的adj.
? irresistible [,iri''zist?bl] 不可抵抗的adj.
? peony [''pi?ni] 芍药,牡丹n.
? carnations [kɑ:''nei??n] 康乃馨n.
? tulip [''tju:lip] 郁金香n.
? daisy [''deizi] 雏菊n.
? chrysanthemums [kri''sænθ?m?m] 菊n.
? whisper [''hwisp?] 低语v.
? breathe of 泄露
? fade [feid] 凋谢,枯萎v.
? devotion [di''v?u??n] 奉献 n.
? dignity [''digniti] 尊严n.
? lavender [''læv?nd?] 薰衣草n.
? stand for 代表
? violet [''vai?lit] 紫罗兰 n.
? loyalty [''l?i?lti] 忠诚n.
? faithfulness [''feiθf?lnis] 忠实n.
? lotus flower 莲花
? drop by 顺便拜访
? fertilize [''f?:tilaiz] 使肥沃 v.
? spice up 使…更有趣味
? temperament [''temp?r?m?nt] 气质;性情n.
? pot
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