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解读雅思口语话题之“Describe a publ

来源:网络 2014-06-18 编辑:朗阁培训小编 雅思托福0元试学


雅思口语第二部分的话题中,描述人物的题目始终是经久不衰的,延续了很多年。朗阁雅思培训中心分析发现题目的范围也逐渐从描述身边的人物演变到如今的大小人物上,如老话题:描述一个朋友、家人、同学、邻居,到现在的公众人物(public person):描述一个电视/电台主持人、*的艺术家、*的外国人等。很多同学又开始觉得犯难了,觉得这些“大人物”离自己太遥远,不知从何说起

   雅思口语第二部分的话题中,描述人物的题目始终是经久不衰的,延续了很多年。朗阁雅思培训中心分析发现题目的范围也逐渐从描述身边的人物演变到如今的大小人物上,如老话题:描述一个朋友、家人、同学、邻居,到现在的公众人物(public person):描述一个电视/电台主持人、*的艺术家、*的外国人等。很多同学又开始觉得犯难了,觉得这些“大人物”离自己太遥远,不知从何说起。
    比如描述一个artist,考生的选择其实是比较多的,可以在painter、dancer、singer、photographer等进行筛选。但问题往往是大家的思路还是过于狭窄,能够想到的艺术家总是那几个,如Leonardo Da Vinci,Van Gogh等,先不说是否可以进行比较完整流畅的描述,首先会出现的就是话题重复、回答方式老套的现象。仅这一点,就足以让*给一个不高的分数了,也就是我们所说的average point(5.0-5.5分)。
Tai Lihua, the disabled lead dancer of "The Thousand-handed Goddess of Mercy", impressed every audience by her refined performance but more by her spirit. In my eyes, she is not only a dancer on the stage, but a dancer who inspires people, especially for those who have disabilities. 这段内容首先是对这个人物进行总体介绍,让*了解该人物是一个什么样人。
When she was two years old, she caught a fever that damaged her hearing. She could no longer hear and started to live in a silent world. She was sent to the school for deaf and mutes at the age of seven. There was a special class called rhythm, where the teacher stamped on the floor to let the pupils feel the vibrations. This lesson was so significant because she discovered the rhythm, in which for the first time she felt the strong rhythm of her own body, the sound for her.
At the age of 15, she wanted to receive professional dance training, but she had to pass the instructor''s test. Within half month, her instructor was happy to see that she showed promise as a dancer. When she started to practice dancing every step on stage, she had to dance under the direction of her instructor who waved and beat the rhythm off stage. She had to dance different movements with the beat until she was absolutely exhausted. 中间用两段话的内容进行细节描述,主要针对该人物在本职工作中的突出表现和成绩。
Her dancing is beautiful and inspiring. Every time she dances, she tries to convey the music in her heart to the audience. When the sixth international disabled people''s convention was held in Tokyo in 2002, over 2000 delegates of disabled people''s associations in more than 100 countries and regions watched the performance. Tai Lihua shocked the audience with her beautiful performance and was honoured “ambassador” of six hundred million disabled in the world and “messenger of beauty and friendship”.
She told the reporters that a dancer has a limited public performance “shelf-life”. She is already in her 30s. If health permits, she will dance for a few more years. If not, she will pass on all her dancing skills to those deaf children like herself. 较后两段的内容要进行内容的转移,即作为公众人物,他/她是否有做出本职工作以外的社会贡献和精神上值得称赞的价值观和人生观。
    我们再来看一部分关于描述电视/电台主持人的例子。在描述这个题目的时候,朗阁雅思培训中心提醒考生们需要注意的是,切记不要跑题,很多考生会在考试时一开始描述主持人,但从中间就变成描述这个节目的内容和影响力了。如有考生描述我国内地的相亲节目《If You’re the One》中的主持人孟飞,但开头一结束,便转移为对这个节目的评价。
Ellen DeGeneres is an American stand-up comedian, television host and actress. She hosts the syndicated talk show The Ellen DeGeneres Show, and was also a judge on American Idol for one year, having joined the show in its ninth season. 对主持人的总体介绍。
Ellen is of French, English, German and Irish descent. After one semester in communication studies, she left school to do clerical work in a law firm. She also held a job selling clothes at the chain store the Merry-Go-Round at the Lakeside Shopping Center. Other working experiences included being a waitress at restaurants, a house painter, a hostess, and a bartender. She relates much of her childhood and career experiences in her work. 介绍该主持人的背景。
Ellen DeGeneres has also made many contributions to society. She supports numerous organizations, and has won many awards for her charitable efforts. There’re more than 20 charities she has been supporting. Recently, DeGeneres learned about an organization of a home and hospital for animals that have been abused. In her website, she urges her viewers to donate. 介绍除主持人工作以外的社会贡献。
Jamie Oliver, sometimes known as The Naked Chef, is a British chef, restaurateur, known for his food-focused television shows and cookbooks. Oliver''s programs are shown in over 40 countries, including the USA''s Food Network. More recently, Jamie has been doing series based on campaigns to improve food in schools and cooking skills of the average person. 该主持人的总体介绍。
Oliver left school at 16 without any qualifications to attend Westminster Catering College. His first job was as a pastry chef at a restaurant, where he first gained experience of Italian cuisine. Oliver then moved to The River Café, as a chef, where he was noticed by the BBC in 1999 when his show The Naked Chef debuted and his cookbook became a number one best-seller in the UK. That same year, Oliver was invited to prepare lunch for Prime Minister Tony Blair at No.10 Downing Street. 主持人的背景介绍。
Oliver created the Fifteen Foundation in 2002. Each year, 15 young adults who have a disadvantaged background, criminal record or history of drug abuse, are trained in the restaurant business. In 2005, he initiated a campaign called "Feed Me Better" in order to move British schoolchildren towards eating healthy foods and cutting junk food. As a result, the British government also pledged to address the issue. 除主持人本职工作以外的社会贡献。
    通过这三个例子,朗阁雅思培训中心总结出“Describe a public person”的思路可以大致分为三个部分:首先是对该人物的总体描述,他的国籍、职业等;其次是对他的背景和目前所做的主要工作进行讲述;较后突出他/她作为公众人物所体现出来的社会贡献和社会责任行为的表现。

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