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雅思口语:a childhood song

来源:网络 2013-09-12 编辑:PMC_ivy 雅思托福0元试学


A meaningful song that you remember from your childhood

A meaningful song that you remember from your childhood

Describe a meaningful song that you remember from your childhood.

You should say:

what the song was

where you heard this song

what the song was about

and explain how you felt when you heard this song.


 Speaking of a childhood song I remember, I want to talk about the Chinese version song of Smurfs.


It was a very popular children’s song in my childhood and almost every kid knew how to sing it. It was the Chinese version theme song of “The Smurfs”, a very popular cartoon which was imported from the United States in the late 1980s. It was composed by a Chinese composer Zheng Qiufeng.


The lyrics were so simple that you could immediately memorize. It read” There is a group of Smurfs living over the mountains and the sea. They are vigorous and bright; naughty yet smart. They live a very happy life in the green forest…”

I recall the first time I listened to it was when I was watching The Smurfs cartoon at home. I was really fond of this song and began to sing it. Surprisingly, a week after that, our teacher began to teach us singing it at school. Almost everyone seemed to be very interested in this song as well. I still remember my little cousin even asked me to teach her to sing it. So you know how popular it was then.


I love this childhood song not only because of the unique tune and the unforgettable lyrics, but also because of the memories it left me. Those precious childhood memories mean a lot to me.

















A childhood song you love

Describe a childhood song you love.

You should say:

what the song was

what the song was about

what kinds of features the song had

and explain why this song impressed you a lot.


 Speaking of a childhood song I love, I want to talk about the song about Halloween.

I don’t remember the exact name of that childhood song already, but I still remember the lyrics and melody of that song. "Bats in the belfries钟塔, owls in the trees, cats in the cornfields, ghosts in the breeze, go trick or treating then it’s all done. Halloween’s over, but wasn’t it fun?"

According to the lyrics written in the song, it was about Halloween. At that time, Halloween swept in China and everyone thought it was interesting because people wore costumes during the holiday. So, because of curiosity, like every child, when I heard this song, I thought Halloween was mysterious and funny. I believed that there were bats, owls, cats and ghosts. Moreover, the melody was cheerful in a merry mood, so we always sang that song at the top of our lungs进步嗓门,大声唱出来. It was amazing!

I love this childhood song not only because of the unique tune and the unforgettable lyrics, but also because of the memories it left me. Those precious childhood memories mean a lot to me.

雅思口语 宝贝歌曲

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