朗阁首页 > 雅思频道 > 雅思口语 > 朗阁教你英语口语委婉拒绝的技巧


来源:网络 2012-07-24 编辑:PMC_eavy 雅思托福0元试学




How many ways are there to say “No” without offending anyone’s feeling? Well, there is “No, I can’t”, “No, I don’t have time” and “No, I don’t want to”. But the problem is that many of us try to avoid situations that require us to say “No” to people. In almost every culture this little word is associated with rejection, failure, egoism and a lack of tact and empathy towards others.

口语,有多少种方法在拒绝时而不得罪人呢?不行,我没法做。” “不行,我没空。” “不行,我不想做。但是问题在于,我们很多人都想避免对别人说 几乎在每种文化中,这个字都和拒绝、失败、利己主义、应变能力不足、缺少同情心联系起来。

I can not recall how many times I have eaten burnt, undercooked, bland and poorly tasting dishes simply because I did not want to hurt the feelings of the person who had cooked them. Or the times when I bought something, I did not need, because I felt guilty leaving a shop empty-handed after spending 20 minutes of the shop assistant’s time.

我记不起来有多少次,我因为不想伤害做饭的人的感情而吃掉糊了的、夹生的、平淡无味的或味道很差的食物。 我也记不起来有多少次我买了不需要的东西,只是因为我觉得花了导购员20分钟的时间两手空空离开会有一种负罪感。


How do you say “No” without offending anyone or feeling guilty afterwards? There is a great lesson to be learned from such approach to communication.

怎样说 朗阁 口语 委婉拒绝方式


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