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来源:网络 2016-10-14 编辑:朗阁小编 雅思托福0元试学





首先在切入正题之前,我建议大家一定要以进步英语水平为过程和目的,雅思分数应该是随之而来的结果。相当一部分烤鸭太过寄希望于背诵答案应对口语考试,结果是极小的可能性考到6分;即使到了6分,过了雅思,那么对于出国学习生活会有多大的帮助呢?对于overseas study, 雅思仅仅是开始,进步了水平,我们才可以更从容地面对将来的生活。





What are the advantages of travelling abroad?

1. We can experience the culture and acquire the language.

2. It can make us feel relaxed.

3. It can broaden our horizons and enrich our knowledge.


上面的答题内容估计是很多备考烤鸭都有过的想法,而且应该有相当一部分烤鸭会采用这样的答案面对*。或者是,很多烤鸭会改变说法,比如:taste the foreign culture and get educated, enjoy/spoil ourselves, 其实词是好词,聊天的情况下也是非常舒服的答案。



,雷同答案,且无特征性。所谓的模板化概念,就是很多人使用的一些无特性答案。比如broaden our horizons, 无论旅游,还是读书,还是交友,还是学习一项技能,还是与人交谈,这样的概念都可以出现,那么这就是一个模板答案。很多参考书中也会出现很多类似的表达方式,如果你是个使用的人,那么这个答案没有问题,但是被很多人用过之后,*会思考一下是否是背诵的答案而不是出于自己水平。另外,很多雅思口语考生是在没有什么可以阐述的情况下挤出这样的答案,自然更引起*的反感。


第二,即使我们使用了一些less common phrases or conceptions,也会出现一个问题。比如we are able to taste the foreign culture and get educated,这在我们的论述中应该是属于观点解释类,后面需要加supporting evidence, 而很多雅思口语考生仅仅停留在句,之后为新观点的并列阐述。这就形成了一种答题现象:即为观点罗列。那么,根据我们雅思官方给出的口语评分标准当中,5到5.5分档的雅思考生基本属于大致观点的表述,缺乏有效的解释。那么如何避免观点的罗列呢?基本我们会采用例证解释方式,因为有些题目的例证并不利于口语阐述,我们不必和*陷入Why和Because的逻辑纠缠中;另外,很多表述能力强的同学一般会采用一些从句或者复合结构在观点句中,本身的论述基本具备例证的表述。例如:当我们论述What kinds of sports are popular in China? 很多烤鸭在观点句中会用到:Young Chinese who are usually energetic and adventurous tend to engage more in competitive sports, such as Basketball and Soccer. 像具备这样口语基础的能力者,必定要把口述精力放在题目答案的多样性上,答题长度必定会超过一般我们认为的几句话的P3的长度。那么这样的有指向的具体观点罗列才是真正的倾向表达。



What are the advantages of travelling abroad?

I think travelling abroad pretty much can give me what I want outside China. For example, I would get more chances to be exposed to an English environment that I can’t have in China. By talking with locals, I may get a lot more than a language, such as the living habit, and local customs.

我们来看一下这个答案的片段。明显地,这个答案在口语表述的能力上远超个模板答案,并且在What I want outside上做了充分的例证阐述,非模板的答案,自然的解释,答案在事例和拓展的方面都做到了。但是,如果严格地来看这个答案,就会发现一个问题,论述过程中加入了两大条件---我和我国。而这并不是题目赋予的提示,也就是说这个答案应该是针对于What are the advantages for you to travel abroad? 甚至都不能针对What do you think are the advantages of travelling abroad?



其实是,在观点与理证论述中不要出现China和personal details, 而在例证中,可以出现国人情况,但是不能出现personal details。所以如果答案变为:

I think travelling abroad pretty much can give people what they want overseas. For example, Chinese would get more chances to be exposed to an English environment in USA or Great Britain, which can’t be found domestically. By talking with locals, we may get a lot more than a language, such as the living habit, and local customs.




Should young adults work abroad?

Definitely. In many developed countries like America and Australia, we can get a higher salary than in China. And people can learn a second language and communicate with foreigners while working. In addition, young people can make a lot of friends to broaden the horizon and enrich their sights.



题目选择一般疑问句的开放式的角度而非Why should young people work abroad的单一性原因论述,使得我们需要考虑更多,使得题目答案更具有延展性。

I don’t think the local government would like to see a migration of young workers moving out. It’s very clear that young labor force is extremely vital when a place needs development or construction, no matter labor work or mental work. But, it’s understandable that individuals ache for the chance to earn or experience more overseas. They are likely to get well-paid in developed countries like USA or UK, or acquire a second language abroad. Furthermore, exotic food and cultures may satisfy their curiosity as well.


首先,这个答案相对于前者棋学校着的表现在于who thinks young adults should or shouldn’t work in foreign countries?答案的多样性可见一斑。反思事实程度上,的确年轻人自我价值观和当地或者本国政府的意见会相左,政府会考虑当地劳动力老化,城市发展等需要年轻人支撑的情况,而对于年轻人本身对于出国工作这个话题,追求更好的工作条件、生活水平自然也是可以理解的,这样起码有双向的思考答案。


当然口语考试的答案也不可能无懈可击,比如这个答案可能在较后如果能加上一点事例会更加完整,You know, the famous Indian curry or Japanese sushi is definitely something you can’t miss while travelling in those countries. And also, try out the atmosphere suffused with passion on Christmas Day in South America.



If they don’t work abroad, would it be helpful for them to travel in a foreign country?


Most definitely.

People are able to sharpen a foreign language skill, which at first would help them have a better understanding while travelling overseas. In addition, with an increasingly globalized world, those who own the experience of communicating with foreigners could gain popularity in multi-national companies back home. What’s more, Traveling overseas including appreciating breath-taking views and having tasty food is an important way for people to let off steam from tedious daily routine. As I mentioned just now, the famous Indian curry or Japanese sushi is definitely something you can’t miss while travelling in those countries. And also, try out the atmosphere suffused with passion on Christmas Day in South America.


朗阁培训 雅思培训 雅思口语 口语得分

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