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来源:网络 2014-07-31 编辑:朗阁培训小编 雅思托福0元试学



    在《雅思口语Part1难题解析(二)》中,笔者选取了众多我国考生较为害怕面对的答题领域进行了针对性的分析。在本文中,也是本系列雅思口语Part 1难题示例的尾声,朗阁雅思培训中心的将和考生们一起来看看我国考生往往觉得较容易却出现许多“不知所措”题目的领域。
    Name(姓名)系列问题基本可以被列为雅思Part 1的热身问题,通常在口语Part 1的一开始就会进行提问。笔者在口语授课过程中,发现许多考生在准备问题时,往往不屑于针对此领域备考;但真正被问及后,又无法在短时间内做出较好的回答。因此,下面我们来看看这些领域中常问的难题:
1. Does your name have any special meaning or significance?
My name was given by my father, who has passed away. According to the explanation of the Chinese dictionary, I can feel my father''s wish----wishing me to be a beautiful and elegant girl, never to worry about life problems. Thanks to my father, I love my name.
2. Do Chinese people like changing their names, why or why not?
Generally speaking, Chinese people seldom change their names, coz names are gifts from their parents and represent the connection between people and their families. But there are also some people like changing their names. For example, people who are superstitiously believe in changing their names can get better luck; stars also change their names to be more unique and easier to be remembered, etc..
3. In your culture, do women change their names when they get married?
范例解析:在英文国家,大多数女性婚后都会随夫姓,因此会change their names。考生应先了解此文化背景才比较好做出回答。
Nope, in Chinese culture, women don''t change their names when they get married. Usually, women keep their own names, including family names and given names, but the family names of their children are the same as their husbands''.
    Hometown(家乡)也为Part 1常考话题,同样被考生们认为是“老掉牙”的考题,无需额外准备。但由于家庭类问题涉及范围较广,问法较类似,很难答出多变的答案。
1. What''s your favorite thing or place in your hometown?
There is a famous scenic spot as well as a religious temple in my hometown, which is named as Hu gong temple. It is said that the temple was built to commemorate Hu Gong, an ancient local magistrate, who devoted his whole life to the development of yongkang. Thus a hearsay says that it is very functional to ask for good luck from Hu gong. Every time I go back to my hometown, I would visit Hu Gong temple and pray for next year''s good luck for my family, and obviously it is my favorite place in my hometown.
2. What is famous about your home town?
As my hometown''s development lies on the mental-ware, such as vacuum flasks, electronic bikes, etc. A giant market named ''mental-ware town'' was built to enlarge the mental-ware business facing to the nation even the whole world. And there is a slogan says that ''Gather mental-wares from the world to Yongkang, and lead mental-wares of Yongkang to the world''. So you can find mental-ware products which are marked with made in yongkang throughout China, even the world.
3. Tell me about some scenic spots in your hometown.
The most famous scenic spot you can''t miss is the Fangyan scenic spot. It is widely known because of the Hugong temple cited in the Fangyan mountain, which was built to commemorate Hu Gong, an ancient local magistrate, who devoted his whole life to the development of yongkang. And a hearsay says that it is very functional to ask for good luck from Hu gong. A huge number of tourists visit there just to pray for good luck, and so do I.
4. Do you like your hometown? Why or why not?
Partly yes. On one hand, I have a lot of memories and experiences there, and my family and relatives live there, I love them and of course my hometown as well. On the other hand, with the fast development of economy, a negative phenomenon shows up: people there are money-oriented to some extent. That''s the only part that drops me.
5. What is the difference between your hometown and Beijing?
As far as I''m concerned, I consider that there are three differences between my hometown and Beijing. First, while Beijing, the capital of China, is a metropolis, my hometown is just a small county. Second, Beijing locates in the north of China and my hometown is in the south. Finally, compared with Beijing, the political centre of China, my hometown is more developed in economy as its location in Changjiang delta.
6. What are the people like in your hometown?
People in my hometown are hardworking and friendly. But because the majority of the people are businessmen who have low level in education, there is a negative phenomenon that people there are a little money-oriented. For example, they like to purchase luxurious cars to compare with others.
7. If you could change one thing about your hometown, what would it be?
If I had a chance to change one thing about my hometown, it must be the money-oriented phenomenon, because it directly leads the young people to pursue the money but not their own dreams. Without high education and culture atmosphere, there would be nothing valuable left but lifeless money. Although I know it is a tough task, I will try all my efforts to achieve it.
    雅思口语Part 1的备考往往被考生们所忽略,希望本次的“雅思口语Part1难题解析”系列文章能给大家在准备的过程中给一些启示。通过精心的准备和针对难题的反复操练,考生们定能取得理想的成绩。

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