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来源:网络 2014-07-31 编辑:朗阁培训小编 雅思托福0元试学



    在《雅思口语Part1难题解析(一)》中,我们针对了常见难题Time management及Photography两块内容进行了分析。在本文中,朗阁雅思培训中心的将继续对近期出现的几个领域的难题进行分析及相关答案的示范。
难题三:Leisure Time
    Leisure Time(休闲时光)系列问题为Part 1的高频问题,但由于问题相当容易,考生在答题思路上容易出现重复ideas的情况,导致答案基本一致无新意。
1. What do you do in your spare time?
When I am alone, I usually do some sports such as practicing yoga, swimming and dancing. But when I stay with my friends, we love to go out watching movies, having dinner, chatting, or playing games like poker and etc..
2. How do you usually spend your evenings?
范例解析:与此题问法相同的问题还有很多,如how do you usually spend your holidays/weekend/等,建议考生针对题目提出的时间段特点答题。
Sport is one necessary part of my daily life, and I always arrange it in the evening. I like doing sports after a whole day''s work, because it can refresh my exhausting body. Besides my conventional arrangement, sometimes I go out with my friends to watch a movie or to have a cup of coffee, chatting with each other.
3. Do you prefer to staying at home in the evenings or do you prefer to going out?
It depends. If I have spare time and am still energetic after a whole day''s study, I will go out with my friends, maybe watching a movie, shopping, having a cup of coffee or just chatting with them. But if I am tired and still have a lot of work to do, I prefer to stay at home, either completing my homework, or having a big rest.
    Computers(计算机)也为常见Part 1难题领域之一。很多考生有本能地觉得凡是科技领域就是难题的抵触心理,他们觉得需要专业的词汇及表达才能较好的回答这一领域的问题,其实不然。让我们看看下面的实例。
1. Do you often use computers?
Yes, I use computers everyday and it is an indispensable item in my daily life. For example, I use it to do my homework. Regardless of writing an essay, recording a piece of audio material or anything else, my PC can do it perfectly. And it is the major approach for me to get information, to chat with my friends and to send emails.
2. When did you start using computers?
My first computer was a gift given by my step-father in 2001, when I was in high school. At that time, computers were still very fresh in China, so I was very excited to have it. The scene that I first signed in the chatting room online still so clear that I will never forget it. My first computer helped me a lot, from my study to my viewpoint of the world.
3. What do you use computers for?
I use computers everyday and it is an indispensable item in my daily life. For example, I use it to do my homework. Regardless of writing an essay, recording a piece of audio material or anything else, my PC can do it perfectly. And it is the major approach for me to get information, to chat with my friends and to send emails.
4. Would you say computers are important?
范例解析:在类似此类答案较为明显的一般疑问句题型中,可以增加表示肯定的词汇如“absolutely”, “totally”等来加重语气使答案听起来更自然。
Absolutely yes, I think computers changed our lifestyles. Let me cite an example of university life. We almost do everything using computers in university. From writing our thesis to submitting it to the library, from contacting with my classmates to choosing my optional lessons, from getting information of activities to sending notice online. It can be said that, you can''t finish your study in university without computers. I think situations might be similar in other areas.
5. Do computers have much impact on your life?
Totally, computers play an indispensable role in my university life. We almost do everything using computers in university. From writing our thesis to submitting it to the library, from contacting with my classmates to choosing my optional lessons, from getting information of activities to sending notice online. It can be said that, you can''t finish your study in university without computers.
6. What effect do computers have on children?
Admittedly, computers offer children a new way to learn, which is interesting and vivid, exploring children''s imagination and creativity. However, because children have low self control, they may be easily addicted to computers, which will distract their energy and time from studying. Further, computer games will reduce children''s desire of outdoor games, which are beneficial for their mental and physical health.
7. How do you think parents could minimize or avoid the negative effects of computers on their children?
范例解析:此题难度已接近Part 3问题的难度,考生在答题时可以采用列点式的答法来帮助*理解自己的观点。
I think there are three ways. First, it would be better for parents to accompany their children when they are using computers to study or play games, avoiding children being misled by negative websites. Second, limiting the time of using computers is of necessity too. And finally, it is also important to encourage children to do more outdoor games, which can distract their concentration on computers.
8. What computer skills would you like to learn?
Photoshop and premiere are two skills that appeal to me most. Although I learned Photoshop in my university class, I am still an amateur of it. You know, Photoshop can beautify the photos of sightseeing during my journey, while premiere software can produce my own micro-movies. They are both useful and amazing!

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