朗阁首页 > 雅思频道 > 雅思口语 > 雅思口语话题卡:普通人


来源:网络 2013-09-03 编辑:PMC_ivy 雅思托福0元试学






普通人:a child / an old person / a favorite teacher / a close family member / a close friend


名人:a famous person / a leader/ a person you want to become one day/ a foreign celebrity/ an adventurous person


在近期的雅思口语考试中,又出现了一些新的表现方式,如:an interesting person / a happy person等。不论是怎么样的表现形式,对于考生来说,只要掌握方法,都能逐一破解。







Who this person is(人物,e.g. my mother

What he/she looks like(描述性词语,e.g. handsome, gorgeous, slender

How he/she influenced you(介绍此人对自己的影响)

And explain why you like this person.(解释为什么那么喜欢这个人)







★ 普通人


A happy person

Describe a happy person you know.

You should say:

who the person is

how you came to know him/her

whether you know him/her well

and explain what makes this person such a happy person.









Speaking of a happy person, I want to talk about my cousin Lily. She’s the happiest person I know, and everyone agrees that she has a great personality.


First of all, she’s extremely enthusiastic about everything and always eager to go out to meet new people. Besides, she’s full of energy and never tired. I have never heard her complain about anything, because she always looks at the bright side of things. Sometimes we tease her because she constantly has this big grin (=smile) on her face and can’t stop smiling.


Lily is going to turn 22 pretty soon, I think, and she studies in a prestigious (=famous) university in Beijing, so I don’t see her as often as I used to. But we often talk on the phone. She said that she did very well in her studies and made a lot of friends by taking part in numerous extra curriculum activities and last I heard she was dating a very cool guy too. I believe she’s got every reason to be happy, but it’s mostly because of her ability to remain positive.


She’s always optimistic and doesn’t seem to be afraid of anything. I remember, when she was in high school, she always told everyone that she would be okay in spite of all the homework and tests she had to face. On the other hand, she can cheer everyone up. Whenever I have a problem, she can always give me a useful advice. How considerate and reassuring she is!


Right now, she’s striving to become a pediatrician (=doctor for children). I think she’ll be a great doctor and teacher for kids, because her cheerfulness can be contagious(有感染力的). She always shares funny stories with us and makes us laugh. I think she’s a pleasure to spend time with.


{温馨提示}         朗阁海外考试研究中心提醒考生注意:这篇回答可以用于“a happy person”, 也可以用于“a family member”或者“a close friend”


有些考生在未结束描述前就被*打断(Sorry. I am gonna stop you there),如果遇到这样的情况,是因为*需要掌控考试的节奏和时间,并非由于考生讲得不好,所以考生不必紧张,只需要根据*的指令继续考试即可。


A teacher

Describe a teacher you have had.

You should say:

who the teacher is

what the teacher is like

how he/she taught

and explain what effect the teacher had on you.









Talking about teachers in my life, l would like to mention Mr. Li who was my physics teacher at middle school in Shanghai. He is so important for me because he provided not only education but more critically, life guidance.


Mr. Li had his own way of teaching and seemed interested in all the members of the class -- the weaker students as well as the clever ones, which really impressed me. And he also had a good sense of humor. I thought physics could be pretty boring sometimes, but when he found we’d stopped paying attention, he’d tell us a quick joke, and that would wake us up and he could go on with the lesson. His teaching methodology was so versatile that we never felt bored. It was so fun!


Most importantly, he helped us learn what learning was all about. He taught us not only a subject, but also how to carry on learning about the subject after class. For example, he said that we should always try to keep an enquiring and open mind; physics wasn’t just a subject in textbook; it was a way of looking at the world and it could help us to understand the way in which the world worked. And many of us have benefited from this quite a lot because it changed our way of learning. I will always thank him for his devoted guide.


As the sayi

雅思口语 人物

雅思托福 全套备考资料


  • 适用人群
  • 词汇量1000
  • 词汇量1500
  • 词汇量2000以上
  • 词汇量6000以上
  • 开课时间
  • 热报中
  • 滚动开班
  • 即将开班
  • 热报中



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