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来源:网络 2013-11-25 编辑:PMC_phoenix 雅思托福0元试学





Brainstorming is a creative technique that can gather a large amount of ideas to answer different topic and variety of questions in IELTS Oral test. This skill is especially effective to enhance either quantity or quality of ideas that can boost an examinee’s morale necessary for the exam.


There are three rules that should be followed in order to obtain a satisfying result from brainstorming:


Firstly, the examinee should learn to focus on the quantity of his/her answers. This rule is a means of enhancing excellent production and produce extraordinary ideas that can be used for the test. How to make an answer unique and extraordinary with knowledgeable contents are the most essential things that should be done before the exam. Thus, by reading brainstorming books or by brainstorming with other people can help to gain an ideal band score in the IELTS Oral Exam.


Secondly, learn to welcome unusual ideas and get a long list of ideas. They can be generated by looking from new perspectives and suspending assumptions. These new ways of thinking may provide better answer or solution to the questions in the test. Personal opinions or from others are especially welcomed by the examiners in the test. So, brainstorming with other people or reading different kinds of answers will be very helpful when taking the exam.


Lastly, combine and improve ideas through brainstorming. Good ideas should be combined to form a single excellent idea and stimulate the building of an idea by the process of the association. It is critical to be able to gather different perspective and thinking to form an effective answer for the test. Examiners would really appreciate to hear not only knowledgeable answers but also answers that have depth.


And also, after following the three rules mentioned above, surely it will help examinees stretch their minds further and therefore produce more creative ideas that can work as a huge advantage for them in the test. Below is an example on how to brainstorm about the questions of the IELTS oral English.





1.    What is your favorite electrical equipment that is in your house?



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  • 适用人群
  • 词汇量1000
  • 词汇量1500
  • 词汇量2000以上
  • 词汇量6000以上
  • 开课时间
  • 热报中
  • 滚动开班
  • 即将开班
  • 热报中



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