朗阁首页 > 雅思频道 > 雅思口语 > 雅思口语:《007大破天幕杀机》经典台词


来源:网络 2013-03-06 编辑:PMC_ivy 雅思托福0元试学


数月前军情六处一块记载了潜伏于全*恐怖组织内部所有特工名单信息的硬盘丢失,而追索硬盘的行动也以失败告终。在此之后,行动主要负责人M(朱迪·丹奇 Judi Dench 饰)被高层解雇,而军情六处也遭到惨烈的袭击,伤亡惨重。选段中,为了查到幕后真凶,M召来佯死的传奇特工詹姆士·邦德(丹尼尔·克雷格 Daniel Craig 饰)。经过一轮严苛的特训和测试,邦德重新服役……

M:Where the hell have you been?

James:Enjoying death. 007 reporting for duty.

M:Why didn''t you call?

James:You didn''t get the postcard? You should try it some time. Get away from it all. It really lends perspective.

M:Ran out of drink where you were, did they?

James:What was it you said? "Take the bloody shot."

M:I made a judgment call.

James:You should have trusted me to finish the job.

M:It was the possibility of losing you or the certainty of losing all those other agents. I made the only decision I could and you know it.

James:I think you lost your nerve.

M:What do you expect, a bloody apology? You know the rules of the game. You''ve been playing it long enough. We both have.

James:Maybe too long.

M:Speak for yourself.

James:Ronson didn''t make it, did he?


James:So this is it. We''re both played out.

M:Well, if you believe that, why did you come back?

James:Good question.

M:Because we''re under attack. And you know we need you.

James:Well, I''m here.

M:You''ll have to be debriefed and declared fit for active service. You can only return to duty when you''ve passed the tests, so take them seriously. And a shower might be in order.

James:I''ll go home and change.

M:Oh, we''ve sold your flat, put your things into storage. Standard procedure on the death of an unmarried employee with no next of kin. You should have called.

James:I''ll find a hotel.

M:Well, you''re bloody well not sleeping here.


1. report for duty

当James突然到访M的公寓时,M问:“你到哪里去了?”“我在享受死亡,007归队。”因为国家正在受到攻击,所以007再度出现。片头M的一句:“快开枪!”,之后James应声倒地。当初小编就不信James真的会死~“report for duty”意为“报到”,“归队”。

2. run out of

当M问道:“你为什么不打个电话来?你是不是酒喝完了才来的。”而James急于得到M对曾经那一枪的解释。“run out of”意为“用完”,“用尽”,“消耗完”。

3. lost one''s nerve

当James质问M为什么要开枪,她应该相信自己的时候,M说道:“我做了我可以做的决定。”Lames回答道:“你失控了。”“lost one''s nerve”意为“失控”,“精神错乱”。

4. be played out

James又向M发问:“Ronson没能成功,对不对?”“是的。”“我们都筋疲力尽了。”“be played out”意为“精疲力尽”,“精疲力竭”。而为了国家,007再次归队!
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