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来源:网络 2016-07-29 编辑:朗阁小编 雅思托福0元试学





Earlier on, through 雅思口语*问题解密之:必定会出现的问题类型, we discussed two types of questions that IELTS examiners will always ask and its theory behind why these types of questions are so popular.Let’s recall what these two kinds of questions consist of:


1. Relating to the past/past and now

a). Have things changed?

b). Have things always been the same?

c). Have things been the same since you can remember?


2. Changes in the future

a). Will things change?

b). How do you think things will change?

c). What do you think will change?


Although both sets of questionsare fundamentally important in terms of testing a candidate’s speaking ability, it is clear that question type No.1 poses the biggest challenge for Chinese candidates. The reason behind this that talking about the past or past and present together, requires candidates to use a wide range of different techniques and skills in order to accurate portrait their ideas and opinions. This discussion aims to look beyond the theories highlighted in the previous paper and extends the insight (using different scenarios and real IELTS speaking questions) into the how these theories can help Chinese students improve their IELTS speaking.


How to answer questions relating to the past


In order to tackle these types of questions, we proposed three fundamental skills that students should adopt when answering: Structural tenses, comparatives, and signposting phrases. Depending on the question asked, students may utilise one or more techniques to maximise their chances of getting a higher score. However, this leaves us with a paramount question which has not been discussed in the previous paper: why can these techniques can help Chinese students tackle these types of questions? Let’s examine each individual technique closely to find out the reason.


Structural tenses


It is apparent that over the last few years, one of the biggest draw-backs noticed within Chinese candidate answers are grammar related issues. Although Chinese students are taught using the grammar-focused method, many fail to utilise the full scope of the grammar range in their speaking answers to truly reflect the time period of their topic (or part of). Many candidates rely on the use of simple tenses (e.g. past simple) to answer most, if not all past tense questions. This may appear correct at first (they are using the correct tense after all), but when we examine these questions closely, candidates can achieve a much higher band score by adopting a complex yet accurate grammar structure.


For example:



Did you ever make anything by hand when you were a child? (2015 Jan-April)


Typical Chinese candidate reply (using simple tense):



Yes, I made little clay models of food when I was young because I was a foodie and I found making clay models very interesting. (Predicted score: 5.5-6)


Examiner analysis:

l  Candidate produced error free sentenced using the correct grammar in relation to the question (past tense).

l  The candidate used complex structures but lacked a logical progression of ideas.


Typical high level candidate reply (using the simple tense):



Yes I did, I made little clay models of different foods such as hamburgers and French fries because my parents didn’t allow me to prepare these types of foods using real ingredients. During the weekends, I’d hideaway in my bedroom with my clay set, prepare a big meal, and pretend I’m hosting a feast for my fury little friends. (Predicted score 6.5-7)


Examiner analysis:

l  The candidate used a wide range of lexis (simple: clay models, big meal)(less common: hideaway, hosting a feast) to explore the topic.

l  The candidate used colloquial language (fury little friends) which is a necessary component to achieve a high band score.


When we look at the answers, it is clear that both responses satisfy the grammar requirements posed in the question (past tense). However, if we examine the grammar structure closely, both answers only use the past simple tense. What this means is that we only know the candidate made clay models in the past but we do not know whether he/she is still making it now or what stopped the candidate from making these clay models now.


In order to make the answers more precise thus achieving a higher band score, the candidates can use more complex grammar structures in their answers. Let’s take a look at what they can do:


l  The candidate was making clay models for a certain period of time before his/her parents stop him/her from doing it à Grammar: Past continuous



Yep I did, I was making lots of clay models of different types of foods when I was around five until my mum decided I was too involved and stopped me from doing so. She thought I was wasting my time and wanted me to concentrate on my homework. However, I did turn my attention to making paper planes after this incident and it brought me a lot of joy.


Examiner Analysis:

By using the past continuous tense, the candidate talked about a longer action in the past (making clay models) that was interrupted (stopped by his/her mum). The candidate was able to explain why he/she stopped making these clay models and developed his answers further by talking about what he/she did after this particular incident.


l  The candidate made clay models before he/she went to primary school à Grammar: Past perfect



Yeah, I’d made lots of clay models of different foods before I started primary school. I’d make things like burgers, French fries and stuff like that as I was a foodie but my parents didn’t really allow me to eat those sorts of junk food. The sad thing was, I was forced to stop because of the heavy work load at school and all my friends decided to start playing card games instead.


Examiner Analysis:

By using the past perfect tense, the candidate talked about finished actions (making models) that happened before a certain time in the past (primary school). The candidate provided an exact time point on when he/she stopped making these clay models in the past and the reasons behind why he/she had to stop.


l  The candidate made clay models when he/she was young but stopped making these clay models nowà Present perfect.



Yep I did, I’ve made lots clay models of different food stuffs in past like burgers and French fries. I don’t really remember when I stopped. I d

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