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来源:网络 2016-11-03 编辑:朗阁小编 雅思托福0元试学



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Reading Passage 1


Book Review: The Triumph of City

Question types

填空题 (8)

判断题 (5)





2. political

3. richer

4. economy

5. museum

6. property

7. contact

8. consumption





12. TRUE

13. TRUE






剑6 Test 2 Passage 1


Reading Passage 2


Could Ants Teach Ants (2014.07.19 P2)

Question types

配对题 (5)

多选题 (4)

判断题 (4)


Could Ants Teach Ants

The ants are tiny and usually nest between rocks in the south coast of England. Transformed into research subjects at the University of Bristol, they raced along a tabletop foraging for food -- and then, remarkably, returned to guide others.


Time and again, followers trailed behind leaders, darting this way and that along the route, presumably to memorize landmarks. Once a follower got its bearings, it tapped the leader with its antennae, prompting the lesson to literally proceed to the next step.


The ants were only looking for food, but the researchers said the careful way the leaders led followers -- thereby turning them into leaders in their own right -- marked theTemnothoraxalbipennis ant as the very first example of a non-human animal exhibiting teaching behavior.


"Within the field of animal behavior, we would say an animal is a teacher if it modifies behavior in the presence of another, at cost to itself, so another individual can learn more quickly," said Nigel R. Franks, professor of animal behavior and ecology, whose paper on the ant educators was published last week in the journal Nature.


But defining even common behaviors such as teaching is complex, and it is even harder to understand what is happening in the brains of other animals. So it is no surprise that the paper has sparked debate over what constitutes learning and teaching in the non-human world.


Franks said careful analysis, and a great many hours of videotape, proved that the ants were teaching one another. For example, if the leaders were to race to the food on their own, he said, they would reach it four times as fast than if they had a follower tagging along. Even grabbing a follower by the mouth and physically lugging it to the food, as the ants are sometimes prone to do, was three times as fast as the teaching exercise. But the ants persisted with the tutorial, Franks said, presumably because followers that were carried were trucked with their heads turned upside down facing backward— hardly the best vantage point from which to master a new route.


The ants appeared to follow pedagogical techniques that good human teachers have used for centuries. The lesson was highly interactive and proceeded at a pace set by the followers. If the gap between leader and follower increased too much, the leader slowed down. If it was too close, the leader accelerated.


"Tandem running is an example of teaching, to our knowledge the first in a non-human animal, that involves bidirectional feedback between teacher and pupil," wrote Franks and graduate student Tom Richardson, who spent countless hours poring over videotape.


No sooner was the paper published, of course, than another educator (this one at Harvard) pooh-poohed it. Marc D. Hauser, a psychologist and biologist and one of the scientists who came up with the definition of teaching, said it was unclear whether the ants had learned a new skill or merely acquired new information. Mere communication of information i

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