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来源:网络 2018-04-10 编辑:朗阁小编 雅思托福0元试学




朗阁海外考试研究中心  蒋玮






Part 1考题总结




Where’s your hometown?

Do you like it?

What do you like most about it?

What don’t you like about it?

Are there any tourist attractions?

Where would you recommend a tourist to visit?

Would you want to move somewhere else in the future?



Do you live in a house or flat?

Describe your house?

Do you like it? Does your family like it?

Which part of your house do you like most?

What’s the difference between an apartment and a house? Which do you prefer?

What kind of place did you live in when you were a child?

What kind of apartment or house you want to live in the future?

What’s your neighbourhood like?

What facilities are there in your neighbourhood?

Is there a market in your neighbourhood?

Are there any shops near where you live?

What type of accommodation do you like?

What’s your favourite place in your home?

Do you live with your family?

How’s the air quality?

Is it a good place for kids to live?


Work or Study

Do you work or study?

Do you like it? Do you find it interesting?

What do you find most difficult with your job/studies?

Do you think your job/subject is easy or difficult?

What are you planning to do in the future?

What’s your favourite subject in your major?

What did you learn from your major?

Which one do you prefer, interesting major or interesting classmates?

How did you feel about the first day of school?

Do you think the first day of school is important?

What are more important to your studies, teachers or students?

Do you prefer studying in the morning or afternoon?

What kind of job do you want in the future?

Did you do any part time work whilst you were studying?

Do you like your work or the working environment?

What is your career plan in the future?

How did you feel about the first day of work?

Is the first day at work important?

Do you want to change jobs in the future?




Do you like watching movies?

What kind of film do you like?

How often do you watch movies?

Who do you watch movies with?

Did you like watching movies when you were young? What did you like to watch?

Where do you usually watch movies?

Do you prefer to watch movies in a cinema or at home?

Do you watch the same style of movies in the past and now?



What kinds of music do you like?

When was the last time you went to a concert or watched a music video?

What are the differences of listening to songs live and from the CD?

Which one do you prefer?



Do you like to read books?

What do you usually read?

What is your favourite type of book?

Have you ever received some books as gifts?

Have you ever given somebody a book before?

What did you like to read when you were a child?

What are the benefits of reading? Benefits to children?

Do you read before you go to bed?

Does reading help you relax?

What places are good for reading?

What’s a place that is not suitable for reading books?

Do you like to read alone or with friends?

When was the last time you read a book?


News and Newspapers

Do you like reading newspapers?

Do you read newspapers often?

Do you watch the news?

When was the last time you read the news?

What kinds of newspapers are there in your country?

Is watching the news/Are newspapers popular in your country?

When did you start reading newspapers?

Do you prefer local or international news?

What’s the difference between local news and international news?



Do you like watching TV?

How often do you watch TV?

How long do you usually watch TV for?

Do kids in your country watch too much TV? Is this good?

What’s your favourite TV programme?

What TV programme did you like to watch when you were little?

Do you prefer to watch TV programmes on the computer or the TV?

Do you watch TV programmes by yourself or with other people?


Mails & Letters

Do you write many letters or emails?

How often do you write an email or a letter?

What do you usually write about?

What kind of letter or email do you think is the hardest to write?

Do you think emails will replace letters one day?



Do you like to do sports?

Do Chinese people like sports?

Do you have a sport you would like to try in the future?

Are there any sports meetings in your local area?

What sports are popular in your country?

Do you watch sports on TV?

When was the last time you watched a sports competition?



Do you like shopping?

Where do you usually go shopping?

Do you prefer online shopping?

Compared to online shopping, how do you think of offline shopping?



Looking at the Sky

Do you like to watch the sky?

Do you like the sky during the day or night?

Have you been taught anything about stars or planets?

What’s your favourite star?

Which room can you best see the sky?

Where’s the worst place to look at the sky?

What’s the best spot to look at the sky?


Weather and Seasons

What kind of weather do you like?

What’s your favourite season?

How’s the weather like in China?

Do you like four different seasons or four similar seasons?

What type of weather do you prefer for travelling?

Do you think your emotions are related to weather?

Which is your favourite type of weather?

Is weather important to your travels?



Do you like trees?

Are there any special trees in your country?

What are the benefits of trees?

What kinds of trees do you have in your neighbourhood?

Are there many trees in your neighbourhood?

Have you ever planted a tree?

Do trees in your country have special meaning?



Time Management

Do you organize time?

Do you usually make a plan?

Are you a person who’s good at organizing their time?

How do you organize your time?

How did you learn how to manage your time?

Do you organize your weekends? How? Why?


Public Holidays

Do you have many public holidays in China?

Do you want more holidays?

Do you like public holidays?

Which holiday do you like most?

What do you usually do on public holidays?

Would you like more public holidays?



What transport do you like to take when you go travelling?

Do you prefer public transport or private transport when you go out?

Which did you choose the last time you went out? Why?

What advice would you give to the visitors to your country on transport?

How can the government encourage people to take the public transport?



Helping Other People

Do you like to help other people? Why?

Do you often help people?

When was the last time you received help?

Did your parents teach you to help people in your childhood? Why?

When was the first time your parents helped you?

When was the first time your friends helped you?



Do you have many friends?

Do you like to make friends?

Are most of your friends from school or from outside of school?

Do you ever help a friend by giving advice?

Do you prefer to spend time with your family or with friends?

Do you think friendship is important?

Do you prefer to spend time with friends or spend time alone?

What kinds of people do you like to have as friends?

Do you feel you spend enough time with friends?

Do you prefer to have a few close friends or lots of friends?

If you had the opportunity, would you spend more time with your friends?

What do you and your friends usually do together?

When did you make your first friend?

What are the differences between your best friend and your other friends?

Do your friends visit your home?

How often do they visit?

Do you often visit your friends?


Do you like visitors coming to your home?

How often do you have visitors to your home?

When someone visits you, how do you usually show hospitality?

What kinds of manners do you expect your home visitors to have?

Do you bring gifts when you visit others?

Do you like to visit other people?




What do you think happiness is?

What do you think makes people feel happy?

Do you do anything to keep yourself happy?

Do you think money plays an important part in people’s happiness?



How long do you usually sleep every day?

How long do you think an adult should sleep?

Is it good to take a nap after lunch every day?

Do you have any habits before sleeping?



Do you like rainy days?

How do you feel when it rains?

What do you do on rainy days?

Does it often rain in your country?

What is the importance of rainfall?

What are the differences between the former climate and the present one?



Part 2考题总结



1.      A popular person you know.

2.      A famous athlete you know

3.      A visitor in your home.

4.      A person who is good at cooking.

5.      A time you were friendly to someone you didn’t like.

6.      A friend who you think is a good leader.

7.      A family member you like to work with.

8.      A popular band or singer in your country.



1.      A place (not your home) where you like to go and relax.

2.      A place where you often visit with your friends or families.

3.      An important river or lake in your country.

4.      A park or garden you like to visit.

5.      A public facility or place that you think needs improvements.

6.      An unusual building you’ve visited.

7.      A place that is full of colour.

8.      A historical city you have been to.

9.      A place near water (such as a river, a lake or the ocean) that you enjoyed visiting.

10.   A historical place that interests you.



1.      A memory story told by someone.

2.      A piece of new technology that you recently use.

3.      A gift which took you a long time to choose.

4.      A change that will improve your local area.

5.      A picture or photo in your family.

6.      An important skill that you learned out of your school.

7.      A subject you didn’t like but have interest now.

8.      A childhood song you remember well.

9.      A special toy you had in your childhood.

10.   A special toy from your childhood.

11.   Something you want to buy in the future.

12.   Your favourite season of the year.



1.      A time you received a good service.

2.      An occasion you need to be polite.

3.      A time you had an unusual meal.

4.      A period of time in the history that interests you.

5.      A special day but didn’t spend you much money.

6.      Something you enjoy doing with an old person in your family.

7.      A time you save money to buy sth. special.

8.      A time that you were late.

9.      A situation that others didn’t tell you the whole truth.

10.   An ambition you have not achieved yet.

11.   An important event that you celebrated.

12.   A happy family event from your childhood that you remember well.

13.   A team you took part in once.

14.   A long journey/short trip you would like to make again.

15.   A situation when you received some useful advice.




1. Do you like rainy days?

Analysis: 此题比较抽象,但是无论是喜欢还是不喜欢,都可以合理回答

Sample Answer:

Well, as for me, I really like rainy days. Since I prefer indoor activities, whenever it rains I would stay at home, listen to music and read novels so as to pass the time.


2. What kind of colour is special for Chinese people?

Analysis: 很多考生可以回答此题,但是对于后面内容的扩充就会困难,很难用一些细节和例子去进行支撑。

Sample Answer:

As far as I know, red is a kind of special colour for Chinese people. It’s common for us to see important occasions are always featured with this colour, which shows festive and auspicious atmosphere for us.





Part 1 虽说总体来讲会基本*留常考的话题,例如姓名,家乡,兴趣爱好等,但是也会有一些抽象话题的出现。而这些抽象话题有的时候考生很难在考场中立即反应过来并且流利作答,例如happiness就是比较典型的一类。所以,现在*部分的话题也是在渐渐呈现一个变难的趋势。

Part 2 很多考生现在基本都可以通过网上的一些机经和题库,提前准备话题。要是在事先有所准备,即使在考试时遇到较为有难度的话题,相对来讲也可以比较轻松的去面对。这个部分总体来讲还是旧酒装新瓶,换汤不换药的一些话题,只不过在出题方式和形式上会有所不同,但是话题内容万变不离其宗。所以考生只要基本有一些素材的积累,在考试中做到话题素材的共用,其实难度也不会太大。

Part 3 这个部分难度系数会比之前两个部分要大,很多问题相对来说都会比较抽象。考生无法用简单的几句话讲话题描述清楚,这次考试还是一贯以往的套路和难度,在第三部分的考题上让很多考生觉得束手无策。但是无论考试难度如何变化,只要考生平常多加练习,加大思路和词汇方面的扩充,这个部分其实也没有大家想的那么难以应对。

较后,送大家一句老话,Practice makes perfect.虽然大家都懂这个道理,但是觉得部分考生还是很难做到。希望大家可以一直贯彻始终,坚持如初,早日和雅思分手。






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  • 词汇量1500
  • 词汇量2000以上
  • 词汇量6000以上
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