朗阁首页 > 雅思频道 > 雅思机经 > 2019年3月14日雅思口语考题回顾


来源:网络 2019-03-21 编辑:朗阁小编 雅思托福0元试学






Part 1考题总结


Work or study

1. What subjects are you studying?

2. Why did you choose to study that subject?

3. Is it interesting?/ Do you like your subject?

4. Do you prefer to study in the morning or in the afternoon?

5. Are you looking forward to working?

6. What work do you do?

7. Why did you choose to do that type of work?

8. Do you miss being a student?

9. Do you like your job?



1. What’s (the name of) your hometown?

2. Is that a big city or a small place?

3. How long have you been living there?

4. Please describe your hometown a little.

5. Do you like your hometown?/Do you like living there?

6. What do you like (most) about your hometown?

7. Is there anything you dislike about it?

8. Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?

9. Where would you like to live?



1. Do you live in a house or a flat?

2. How long have you lived there?

3. Who do you live with?

4. Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?

5. Do you plan to live there for a long time?

6. What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?

7. In the future, what type of place would you like to live in?

8. What kind of neighborhood/environment/surroundings/home would you like to live in?

9. What's the difference between where you are living now and in the past?

10. Can you describe the place where you live?

11. Which room does your family spend most of the time in?

12. Are the transport facilities to your home very good?

13. Please describe the room you live in.

14. What part of your home do you like the most?



1. How often do you buy others gift?

2. Do you like to send expensive gifts?

3. What kinds of gifts are popular in your country?

4. Why do people send gifts?



1. What kinds of places do you like to go on holiday?

2. Who would you like to go on holiday with?

3. Where do you plan to go for holidays in the future?



1. When do you listen to music?

2. How much time do you spend listening to music each day?

3. What kinds of music do you like?

4. Have you ever been to a concert before?



1. Do you often watch films/movies?

2. How often do you watch movies?

3. What kind of movies do you like?

4. Do you prefer to watch movies at home or in a cinema?

5. Do you prefer watching films/movies alone or with friends?


Morning routine

1. What is your morning routine?

2. Do you think breakfast is important?

3. What do you do in the mornings?

4. Do you like to get up early in the morning?



1. Do you prefer dry or wet weather?

2. What kind of weather do you like most?

3. What’s your favorite season?

4. What kind of weather is typical in your hometown?



1. How often do you buy shoes?

2. Have you ever bought shoes online?

3. Do you know anyone who likes to buy a lot of shoes?

4. What’s your favorite type of shoes?



1. Do you like cooking?

2. Do you want to learn how to cook?

3. Is it difficult to cook Chinese food for you?



1. What is your favorite color?

2. Do you like dark color?

3. Are there any colors you dislike?

4. Do you usually wear clothes in your favorite color?



1. Do you like to take photos?

2. Do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people take photos?

3. How often do you take photos?

4. In what situations do you take photos?

5. How do you keep your photos?



1. What form of transport do you usually use?

2. What vehicles\what means of transport do people in China most often choose to use?

3. What will become the most popular transportation in China?

4. What do you think of the transport situation in your hometown?

5. Would you say transport costs are high in your hometown?

6. How has the transport system in your hometown changed in the past few decades?



1. Do you like wearing sunglasses?

2. Where can you buy sunglasses?

3. Do people in your country wear sunglasses?


Drinking water

1. How often do you drink water?

2. What kinds of water do you like to drink?

3. Do you drink bottled water or water from water machines?



1. Do you like the city you are living in now?

2. Which city have you been to recently?

3. Do you prefer the city or the countryside?

4. What kind of cities do you like?

5. Which city do you want to go to?



1. What do you know about paintings?

2. Have you learned drawing or painting?

3. Is it important to hang pictures at home?

4. What kind of paintings do you like?

5. If someone wants to draw a picture of you, will you agree?



1. Are public parks very important in China?

2. Are there many public gardens in China?

3. Do you think there are enough public gardens or parks in your country?

4. What do you think are the benefits of having gardens?

5. Why do people who live in cities like public gardens?



1. Do you have a favorite teacher?

2. Would you like to be a teacher?

3. What kinds of teachers do you like?

4. Do you think teachers should be angry at students or not?

5. Can you describe your high school teacher?

6. What’s the difference between young and old teachers?



1. Do you like to watch sports on TV?

2. Do you play any sports?

3. Do you have a favorite sports star?

4. What kinds of sports are popular in China?

5. What kinds of

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  • 词汇量1000
  • 词汇量1500
  • 词汇量2000以上
  • 词汇量6000以上
  • 开课时间
  • 热报中
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