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来源:网络 2014-03-21 编辑:雅思培训小编 雅思托福0元试学


3月份的雅思口语考试整体来说新题并不多,典型的新题为:old thing, busy time, comic actor等几个2014年初常考的题目。口语题目的重复率较高,而近期picnic, sport成为了重点,建议考生重点准备这几个题目。本次考试与3月8日的考试几乎是重复的话题,尤其是第二部分,因此大家在参加考试前要注意参看前一场考试的考题,这样可以非常有针对性的进行准备。



Part 1考题总结


Self-introduction and personal information

What’s your name? What does it mean to you?

What names are popular in your culture?

Are there many people who have the same name as yours?

What name would you like to give to your own child in future?

Are you a student or worker? Do you like your student life?

What’s your major? Is it hard to learn? Why did you choose this major? What can you learn from it? What is the most important in your study? What kind of job would you like to do in future? (student)

What’s your job? Do you like your job? Is it stressful? What are you responsible for? What can you get from your current job? What do you often do after work? Do you want to recommend your job to other people? (worker) Are you for or against extra work on weekends? Should workers who work on weekends get extra salaries?

What is your prospect for the future?

Primary School

What subjects did you like when you were in primary school?

Have you ever gone back to your primary school since after graduation?

Do you often go back to your school to visit your teachers?

Do you still keep in touch with your classmates in primary school?

What do you like best about your middle school?

Studies/ Sleeping Time/Routine

Do you like writing? How often do you write?

Do you want to write a book?

What are generally required to write in middle school?

Do you prefer handwriting or typing on the computer?

How long do you study normally everyday?

How many hours do you spend on your homework?

Do you sometimes feel tired of studying?

When do you usually get up in the morning?

When do you often go to bed?

How many hours do you sleep one day?

Do you think the older people should sleep for longer hours one day?

How long should we sleep?

Do you think people have less time to relax nowadays?

What are the differences on plans between elders and youngsters?

Are you planning to change your schedule?

How do you arrange your time?

What time do you like best in a day?


How do you concentrate on one thing?

What helps you concentrate?

雅思口语 考题

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  • 适用人群
  • 词汇量1000
  • 词汇量1500
  • 词汇量2000以上
  • 词汇量6000以上
  • 开课时间
  • 热报中
  • 滚动开班
  • 即将开班
  • 热报中
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