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来源:网络 2013-07-01 编辑:PMC_ivy 雅思托福0元试学


较近的雅思阅读考试没有非常明显的变化,Matching, Summary, TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN依然是必然出现的考题,要注意的是“问答”题也经常会出来露一面,需注意对这种题型的了解和复习。还有在整体题型配置上,乱序和顺序题目经常会一起出现。



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Leopards'' spots and tigers'' stripes are a camouflage closely tied to their habitats, researchers say.

A UK team examined the flank markings of 37 species of wild cats in a bid to understand the spectacular variety of their colour patterns.

The scientists say that cats living in the trees and active at low light levels are the most likely to have complex and irregular patterns.

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“Start Quote

Sometimes the fingers slipped and the marks got a little blurred; but if you look closely at any Leopard now you will see that there are always five spots - off five black finger-tips”

Rudyard Kipling "How the leopard got his spots"

They published the findings in a Royal Society journal.

It is not the first study to suggest that wild cats need spots to "vanish" in dense forests, sandy deserts or snowy mountains.

But this time, the researchers analysed the colour patterns'' detailed shapes and complexities, stating that these two factors are vital for camouflage.

To examine different patterns, the team used images obtained from the internet and classified them with the help of mathematical formulas.

"[Some species] are particularly irregularly and complexly spotted," William Allen from the University of Bristol, the lead author of the study, told BBC News.

"The pattern depends on the habitat and also on how the species uses its habitat - if it uses it at night time or if it lives in the trees rather than on the ground, the pattern is especially irregularly spotted or complexly spotted."

Kipling''s inspiration

The first part of the study''s title, as it appears in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B is "Why the leopard got its spots".

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