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来源:网络 2012-09-14 编辑:PMC_ivy 雅思托福0元试学





Part 1考题总结



1. Do you like birthdays?

2. Do people inChinacelebrate birthdays?

3. Are any birthdays especially important in your country?

4. How do Chinese people celebrate birthdays?

5. How do you like to celebrate your birthday?

6. Do people inChinahave birthday parties, why or why not?

7. Do you prefer birthday parties with your friends or with your family?

8. Do you think it’s important for people to celebrate birthdays?

9. Do you think it’s important to give a special gift to someone on their birthday?

10. Are birthdays more important for children or for adults?

11. Do children and adults celebrate birthdays the same way?

12. What do children do when they have a birthday party?


1. What is your favorite language and why?

2. How long have you been learning English?

3. What do you think is the most difficult part of learning a language, and why?

4. What aspect of English do you find the most difficult?

5. What do you think is the best way to study English?

6. Do you think learning a foreign language is important? Why or why not?

7. What other second foreign language beside English would you like to learn?

8. Do you think children should learn a foreign language from a very early age?

TV Program

1. Do you watch TV often?

2. What programs do you like?

3. Do you like watching TV with your family or friends or by yourself?


1. What is a typical Chinese wedding like?

2. What people are usually involved in a wedding?

3. What clothes do groom and bride usually wear?

4. What happens during the wedding?

5. Are wedding important inChina, and why?

6. How wedding ceremony has changed over there years?


雅思口语 考题


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  • 词汇量1000
  • 词汇量1500
  • 词汇量2000以上
  • 词汇量6000以上
  • 开课时间
  • 热报中
  • 滚动开班
  • 即将开班
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