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来源:网络 2016-04-22 编辑:朗阁小编 雅思托福0元试学





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Reading Passage 1


The Impact of Refrigeration

Question types:

匹配题(时间配对 (5)、观点配对 (4)、句子完成配对 (4))





1. I

2. H

3. A

4. B

5. E

6. Tudor

7. JB***

8. Why***

9. Fudor

10. A healthy dietary - frost product

11. Refrigerated transport - big cities

12. The invention of CRC - danger

13. Refrigeration - water




剑9 Test 2 Passage 2(观点配对)

剑9 Test 2 Passage 3(句子完成配对)


Reading Passage 2


The Secret of the Yawn

Question types:

段落信息配对 (6)

大学研究成果配对 (4)

摘要填空(无选项,填一个词) (3)


作为一种神经性的问题,打哈欠是一种很平常的现象,这种现象在人类未出生之前,即胎儿时期,在子宫中就形成了。还列举了其他动物如蛇、企鹅。认知神经科学家Steve Platek做过几次试验:个试验表明在同情心这一项分数得分不高的人,当他看到别人打哈欠时,他是不会打哈欠的;第二个实验是让学生看人打哈欠的视频,大脑对此起反映的那一部分叫posterior cingulate, 这个部分控制着人的情感;第三个实验是研究有精神问题的人,如孤独者、精神分裂症患者。这些人很难和别人有情感上的联系。打哈欠和伸懒腰有共同的特点,但并不总是一起发生,这两者的联系在那些由于中风而导致的残疾人身上体现得更明显,但是研究也表明不能够自主活动的人也能正常打哈欠。



When a scientist began to study yawning in the 1980s, it was difficult to convince some of his research students of the merits of yawning science. Although it may appear quirky(诡异的), his decision to study yawning as a logical extension to human beings of my research in developmental neuroscience, reported in such papers as Wing-flapping during Development and Evolution. As a neurobehavioral problem, there is not much difference between the wing-flapping of birds and the face- and body-flapping of human yawners.



Yawning is an ancient, primitive act. Humans do it even before they are born, wide in the womb(子宫). Some snakes unhinge their jaws to do it. One species of penguins yawns as part of mating. Only now are researchers beginning to understand why we yawn, when we yawn and why we yawn back. A professor of cognitive neuroscience at Drexel University in Philadelphia, Steven Platek, studies the act of contagious yawning, something done only by people and other primates.



In his first experiment, he used a psychological test to rank people on their empathic(感情移入的)feelings. He found that participants who did not score high on compassion did not yawn back. We literally had people saying, Why am I looking at people yawning? Professor Platek said. It just had no effect.



For his second experiment, he put 10 students in a magnetic resonance imaging machine as they watched video tapes of people yawning. When the students watched the videos, the part of the brain which reacted was the part scientists believe controls empathy - the posterior cingulate(皮层), in the brain's middle rear. I don't know if it's necessarily that nice people yawn more, but I think it's a good indicator of a state of mind, said Professor Platek. It's also a good indicator if you're empathizing with me and paying attention.



His third experiment was studying yawning in those with brain disorders, such as autism and schizophrenia, in which victims had difficulty connecting emotionally with others. A psychology professor at the University of Maryland. Robert Provine, was one of the few other researchers into yawning. He found the basic yawn lasts about six seconds and they come in bouts with an interval of about 68 seconds. Men and women yawn or half-yawn equally often, but men are significantly less likely to cover their mouths which may indicate complex distinction in genders. A watched yawner never yawns. Professor Provine said. However, the physical root of yawning remains a mystery. Some researchers say it's coordinated within the hypothalamus(下丘脑)of the brain, the area that also controls breathing.



Yawning and stretching also share properties and may be performed together as parts of a global motor complex. But they do not always occur–people usually yawn when they stretch, but we don't always stretch when we yawn, especially before bedtime. Studies by J.I.P, G.H.A. Visser and H.F. Prechtl in the early 1

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