朗阁首页 > 雅思频道 > 雅思机经 > [雅思机经]2017年6月3日雅思口语真题回顾


来源:网络 2017-06-06 编辑:朗阁小编 雅思托福0元试学



朗阁海外考试研究中心   岳双双





Part 1考题总结




What work do you do?

Why you choose to do that job?

Is it interesting?

Do you miss being a student?


Study or study efficiency

What’s your favorite subject in your major?

What did you learn from your major?

What are more important to your studies, teachers or students?

Do you prefer studying in the morning or afternoon?

What kind of job do you want in the future?

Did you do any part time work while you were studying?



Which relative did you most often see when you were a child?

Who do you like to go shopping with?

Who do you think is the most important member in your family?



Do you live in a house or flat?

Describe your house?

Do you like it? Does your family like it?

Which part of your house do you like most?

What’s the difference between an apartment and a house? Which do you prefer?

What kind of place did you live in when you were a child?

What kind of apartment or house you want to live in the future?

What’s your neighborhood like?

What facilities are there in your neighborhood?

What type of accommodation do you like?

What’s your favorite place in your home?

Do you live with your family?

Is it a good place for kids to live?


Where’s your hometown?

Do you like it?

What do you like most about it?

What don’t you like about it?

Are there any tourist attractions?

Where would you recommend a tourist to visit?

Would you want to move somewhere else in the future?


Daily routine

What are you usually doing at this time?

Do you like to plan what you will do each day?

How do you plan your study time?

In a typical day, what do you do in the class room?

What time do you usually get up?



Do you have a lot of friends?

What do you and your best friends usually do together?

How important are friends to you?

What’s the difference between ordinary friends and the best friends you have?

How do you keep in touch with your friends?

How can people make friends in your country?



Do you like your neighbors?

How often do you see your neighbors?

When do you meet your neighbors?



Do you like any of your teachers?

Do you still keep in touch with your teachers?

Do you want to be a teacher?

What qualities should a good teacher have?

Do you like strict teachers?

What’s the difference between young and old teachers?

Is important for teachers to interact with students frequently?



Pop star

Do you like pop music?

Have you ever been to any live concert?

Do you want to be a pop singer?


Who is your favorite celebrity in China?

Do you like foreign celebrities?

Would you like to be a celebrity in the future?

What kind of people become famous?

Do you think we should protect famous people’s privacy?

How do celebrities influence their fans in China?



Do you like to eat fruits and vegetables?

What kind of fruit do you like?

Do you think people should eat more fruits and vegetables?

What are the benefits for children from eating fruits and vegetables?



Do you have jewelry?

What kinds of jewelry would you like to have?

How often do people in your country wear jewelry?

Why do many people choose to buy expensive jewelry?



Do you have pet?

Do you think it good to keep a pet at home?

What are the benefits of raising a pet?

Are there any disadvantages?



Do you often look in the mirror?

Do you often buy mirrors?

Where do you put mirrors?



Do you like shopping for shoes?

How often do you buy shoes?

Where do you buy shoes?

Do you prefer comfortable shoes, or good-looking shoes?

Do you think men and women are equally interested in buying shoes?




Do you often do any cooking?

What cooking experience have you had?

Who taught you to cook?

Indoor games

Do you like indoor games?

What benefits of doing indoor activities?

What indoor games did you play when you were a child?

What sorts of indoor games do children play now?



Are there any museums in your hometown?

Do you often visit a museum?

When was the last time you visited a museum?



Do you like traveling?

Do you think air travel to in your latest trip?

Which country do you plan to go to?



What TV show are you interested in?

When do you watch TV?

How do you think TV show could be improved in China?

Do you think children nowadays are watching too much TV?




Are there many ads in your country?

Do you think ads should be amusing or serious?

Have you ever bought anything because of ads?



How do children celebrate birthdays in your country?

Do people in your country prefer to celebrate birthdays according to the lunar or the solar calendar?

Which one do you think is more important, the birthdays of a child or those of an adult?



Do you often have dreams at night?

Do you remember your dream when you wake up?

Do you like hearing others’ dreams?

Do you think dreams will affect life?



What transport do you like to take when you go travelling?

Do you prefer public transport or private transport when you go out?

Which did you choose the last time you went out? Why?

What advice would you give to the visitors to your country on transport?

How can the government encourage people to take the public transport?



Do you like to learn about history?

What historical events do you find most interesting?

Do you think the internet is a good place to learn about history?



Do you think the politeness is important?

How do people show politeness in your country?

Who taught you to be polite person?

Do you think you are a polite person?


Part 2考题总结



A couple you know who you think have a happy marriage

An interesting neighbor

A famous person in your country

A family member who has had important influence on you

The politest person you know

A helpful person at study

A person who solved a problem in a clever way



A café which you have been to

A shop that just opened in your hometown

A place you visited that had a lot of people

A city or town you visited that you liked

A quiet place

A place that has been polluted

A holiday you want to go on in the future



A special cake you ate before

Your favorite piece of clothing item

One food you ate in foreign country

One thing you got for free

A plat or vegetable in your country

A new invention that is popular in all time

TV series you like

A big company that you know in your city

A piece of art

Your favorite book you want to read again

A website you often browse

A well-paid job you will be good at

An interesting speech

A kind of weather you like



An interesting conversation you had with a stranger

A challenging experience you had before

Something you’ve wanted to do for a long time, but haven’t done yet

An English lesson you have taken

An activity near the sea

A time when you moved to a new school or home

A happy experience in your childhood that you remember well

A time you arrived early for an appointment

An important change in your life

A piece of good news you heard from someone you know

A decision made by others that you disagreed with

An event in history in your country

A time that you were waiting for something

A n experience you spend your time with a child

A day you spent in country side



Describe a couple you know who you think have a happy marriage.

通过题目的分析,首先,时态是过去式与一般现在时的结合;其次,在选择素材上要注意,是有婚姻关系的两个人;较后,要找到题目中的关键词couple和happy marriage进行同义词的替换工作。

如:the beloved; lifetime companion; inseparable partner; boon companion; golden couple; optimal mate……

通过题目的分析,前三个问题基本是background information的交代,较后一个问题才是较主要的,要分析拥有幸福婚姻的原因,其实就是让我们分析两个人相处愉快的原因。那无非两个原因,其一,性格相合或性格互补;其二,有相同的兴趣爱好;然后通过举例说明即可。




Part one中可以看出依然是基本问题,相对来说抽象类的话题,如珠宝、镜子,这类问题会有点难,需要考生提前准备好话题词汇。

Part two考察学生临场应变能力,要将相关话题当中的语料转变成自己的积累才能达到足够好的临场发挥。

Part three的问题依旧是抽象概括类型的话题,比较多变,要求考生要学会以实际的例子来论证解释自己的观点。






雅思机经 真题回顾 雅思培训 雅思口语

雅思托福 全套备考资料


  • 适用人群
  • 词汇量1000
  • 词汇量1500
  • 词汇量2000以上
  • 词汇量6000以上
  • 开课时间
  • 热报中
  • 滚动开班
  • 即将开班
  • 热报中



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