朗阁首页 > 雅思频道 > 雅思阅读 > 迎奥运学雅思 词汇相关之体操gymnastics

迎奥运学雅思 词汇相关之体操gymnastics

来源:网络 2012-07-19 编辑:PMC_eavy 雅思托福0元试学





    A perfect fusion of athletics and aesthetics, gymnastics ranks among the defining sports of the Olympic Games. Mixing strength and agility with style and grace, the high-flying acrobats have provided many of the most breathtaking Olympic spectacles of the past quarter-century.

  Nadia Comeneci's perfect 10 score at the 1976 Montreal Games, the first ever awarded, remains the high-water mark for most gymnastics fans. The 14-year-old Romanian achieved the seemingly impossible seven times in Montreal, a feat so unexpected that the scoring technology was set up for only three digits. Her 10.00s were displayed as 1.00.

  Gymnastics has a long, proud history. The sport can be traced back to ancient Greece, where such skills featured in the ancient Olympic Games. Ancient Rome, Persia, India and China practised similar disciplines, mostly aimed at preparing young men for battle. The word itself derives from the Greek word gymnos, meaning naked - dress requirements for athletes in those days were minimal, to say the least.

Help: agility n. (动作)敏捷,轻快



  体操    gymnastics
  竞技体操  artistic gymnastics
  自由体操  floor exercise
  鞍马  pommel horse
  吊环  rings
  跳马  vaulting horse
  双杠  parallel bar
  单杠  horizontal bar
  高低杠  uneven bars
  平衡木  balance beam
  团体项目  team event
  个人单项  individual event
  个人全能  all-round
  体操运动员  gymnast
  裁判员  judge
  裁判长  head judge
  资格赛  qualifying competition
  个人全能决赛  all-round finals
  单项决赛  apparatus finals
  团体赛  team finals
  难度  difficulty
  规定动作  compulsory
  自选动作  optional
  评分  evaluation
  完成质量  technical execution
  起评分  start value
  加分  bonus
  扣分  deduction
  满分  full mark
  较  highest mark
  *分  lowest mark
  较后得分  final score
  错误  fault
  出界  step out
  掉下器械  drop off the apparatus
  停顿  halt
  动作  movement
  飞行动作  flight element
  连接  connection
  系列  series
  结束姿势  final position
  直体跳  stretched jump
  空翻  somersault
  前空翻  forward salto
  后空翻  back salto
  前手翻  forward handspring
  踺子  round-off
  后手翻  back handspring
  侧手翻  cartwheel
  滚翻  roll
  转体  turn
  直体  straight
  团身  tuck
  屈体  pike
  上器械  mount
  下器械  dismount
  落地  landing
  步法  footwork
  劈叉  split
  托马斯全旋  Thomas circle
  十字支撑  cross
  助跑  approach run
  大回环  giant swing
  狼跳  wolf jump
  拉拉提  salto backward
  垫子  mat


  艺术体操  rhythmic gymnastics
  绳操  rope exercise
  圈操  hoop erercise
  球操  ball erercise
  棒操  club erercise
  带操  ribbon erercise
  团体比赛  guoup competition
  个人全能比赛  individual competition
  舞步  dance step
  弓箭步  lunge
  羚羊跳  antelope jump
  抛接  throw out and take back
  绕环  circle
  摆绳  swing the rope
  滚动圈  roll the hoop
  钻圈  skip through the hoop
  拍球  pat the ball
  带绕环  circle the ribbon

  体操运动专业词汇英语翻译: 蹦床

 蹦床运动  trampolining
  直体弹跳  free bounce
  团身跳  tuck jump
  屈体跳  pike jump
  打开  open
  前空翻  front
  后空翻  back
  直体后空翻  vertical back
  转体  twist
  巴拉尼  Barani
  落下  drop
  蹦床  trampoline
  尼龙绳  nylon strap
  网眼  mesh
  安全网  safety net




雅思 词汇 奥运

雅思托福 全套备考资料


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  • 词汇量1000
  • 词汇量1500
  • 词汇量2000以上
  • 词汇量6000以上
  • 开课时间
  • 热报中
  • 滚动开班
  • 即将开班
  • 热报中



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