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来源:网络 2019-05-27 编辑:朗阁小编 雅思托福0元试学



Part 1

What would Chinese people like to drink, tea or coffee?  

Sample Answer

As far as I can see, Chinese people like to drink tea more than coffee. Tea drinking is a tradition of my country that has lasted for at least 2,000 years.


When was the last time you drank tea or coffee?  

Sample Answer

I literally drink coffee and tea every single day. When I get up in the morn-ing, I’d like to grab a cup of coffee to wake myself up. And after lunch, I’d sip a small cup of green tea to make myself comfortable. This combination usually makes me energetic.  


What will you prepare if someone visits you, tea or coffee?

Sample Answer

I think tea would be more appropriate. Even though my guest are mostly people of my age who’d like to have a cup of coffee every now and then, some of them still think that coffee is too strong or bitter to them. So I think it’s better to serve the guests with tea.  


Do you like painting?  

Sample Answer

I liked painting when I was a kid and made some good water color paintings of my home and school. But after becoming a high school student, I barely touch the brushes, because I find that the preparation and clean-up work is bore some, also I’ve got some new hobbies like reading books.  


Have you been painted by other people?  

Sample Answer

I have never been painted by other people because I feel so uneasy sitting still for about half an hour or even longer to do the modeling, but I really like watching artists doing portraits for other people, because their painting skills are truly amazing.


What kind of pictures do you like having in your home?  

Sample Answer

I guess I would put some abstract painting in my home. We have seen a lot of realistic paintings in the public places that it seems a little conservative when you have this kind of painting at home. And abstract paintings give people endless imagination, which feels more modern.  






Do you like handwriting?   

Sample Answer

To be honest, I don’t quite like handwriting. Maybe it’s because I don’t have good handwriting. Chinese characters are very difficult to write, and I can only write them slowly. When it comes to Chinese exams, it's totally a disaster, as I can hardly finish the writing part before it ends.  


Do you think we can know about a person’s character from his/her handwriting?   

Sample Answer

I see this as an excuse made up by our parents’ in order to push us to prac-tice handwriting. Kids in my country are always told that those who have good handwriting would grow up into decent people, while those with scribbling handwriting are quick-tempered. As I grow up, I realize that it is not necessarily the case, and we shouldn’t judge people based on his or her handwriting.  


Is handwriting an important skill?  

Sample Answer

In my opinion, handwriting is getting less and less important. With the help of electronic devices, people barely write by hand nowadays, because it’s not as efficient as typing. And jobs that involve handwriting are becoming fewer and fewer, since most work is now computer-based.   


Do you think handwriting will be replaced by computers?    

Sample Answer

I do believe handwriting will be replaced by computer in the future. Hand-writing is difficult to preserve and can be faked easily, while computer and related technology can theoretically store the information forever and en-sure its authenticity. At this point in time, handwriting’s drawback starts to outweigh its benefit, and in the future handwriting would probably be practiced in some special occasions or as a habit, because it somehow represents the tradition.


Do you like sharing?

Sample Answer

Of course. I really enjoy sharing with others. In my daily life, I tend to share some interesting experiences or news with my family members through WeChat or video phone calls. Also if I have something good, I am inclined to share them with my friends. In return, my friends will also share similar things with me.


Is there anything you don’t want to share with others? Why?    

Sample Answer

Yes. I think that must be personal privacy. Although I am really willing to share nearly everything with others, telling other people something private is unacceptable for me. For example, I don’t want to share others with my family privacy. There is a famous Chinese saying that every family has a skeleton in its closet. Perhaps that’s the reason why I am unwilling to do that.   

Do you like sending emails to your friends?   

Sample Answer

To tell you the truth, I seldom send emails to my friends. Instead, I usually send emails to my teachers to hand in my assignments. In daily life, the main way for me to get in touch with my friends is WeChat and video phone calls. I think friends are quite casual and mails are really formal.


What kind of email you received last time made you happy?    

Sample Answer

The recent email that made me happy was the one I received three weeks ago. At that time, I had an internship interview in a big local company. The interviewer there told me they would send an email to me if I was admitted. Since I really valued the chance to work there, I felt so excited and couldn’t help laughing when I received that mail.


Is it better to reply an email as soon as possible?

Sample Answer

In my view, it’s really advisable to do like that, especially when I receive some urgent mails. I guess perhaps the sender tends to feel worried and im-patient if I don’t reply soon. Plus, replying others immediately after I read mails is also a way to show my working efficiency and respect to the sender. So I consider it’s better to reply an email as soon as possible.    


How often do you drink water?    

Sample Answer

Um, it’s hard to say, maybe seven or eight times a day. I tend to drink water when I feel thirsty in my daily life. Sometimes, I also intentionally require myself to drink water, as some online scientific reports I read before claim that drinking water frequently is beneficial for people’s physical metabolism. So I drink water from time to time during the day.   


Which one do you prefer, bottled water or tap water?     

Sample Answer

As for me, I prefer bottled water. Coz’ I think bottled water is really portable. Each time I want to take some outdoor activities or have classes and meetings, I am used to carrying bottled water with me. Whenever I feel thirsty, I can just take it out from my backpack and quench myself. Hence, I like bottled water more than tap water.


Have you ever felt thirsty but have no chance to drink water?  

Sample Answer

Yes. Last year, I was a volunteer to provide hotel reception service for foreign visitors in a school cooperation project. For the whole morning, I stood near the reception desk to assist hotel staff to welcome those foreigners. Since there were more than a hundred people, I worked for the whole morning without drinking any water.    




Do you ever have a nap during a day?   

Sample Answer

Yes. It depends on how busy I am. If I am occupied with my study, I think I will not take a nap during the day. I must focus on my learning in order to save much more time from my schedule. However, if I am really available, I tend to have a nap to take a short break during the day. So having a nap or not depends on my timetable.   


Do you think sleep is important?     

Sample Answer

Of course. It plays a really vital role in our daily lives. Everybody needs to sleep. Otherwise, we may suffer from some physical illnesses. No matter how energetic we are, without sleep we are more likely to have lower working or learning efficiency. As a result, it tends to influence our lives eventually. So we’d better have enough sleep every day, not only for our health but also for our work or study.  


Do you think reading before you sleep could be helpful?   

Sample Answer

I don’t think so. Perhaps for people who dislike reading, they may feel sleepy if they read something before going to bed. But for those reading lovers like me, reading some books before sleep tends to let me be immersed in it. Finally, I may stay up late reading. So I don’t think it’s really helpful for me to sleep.


What’s your favorite color?

Sample Answer:

I like blue most, navy blue, to be specific, because it reminds me of sky and sea and makes me feel relaxed and calm. When I decorated my room, I painted one of the walls blue and bought several pieces of blue furniture to match it.


What can you learn about a person from the colors they like?

Sample Answer

First of all, if you look at what color they like to wear, you can tell their tastes on clothes. For example, in China, it’s believed that it’s tacky to wear green and red together. Well, there’s no reasonable explanation for it coz that’s just the way it is. Secondly, preference of colors indicates one’s personality. Generally speaking, people who like warm tones, such as red and orange, tend to be enthusiastic and passionate, while those who prefer cool tones like blue and green are usually calm and have a clear mind.


Do any colors have a special meaning in your culture?

Sample Answer

Yes. In China, yellow is considered the “royal color”. In ancient times, only members of the royal family could wear yellow clothes, while civilians were not entitled to do so. Today, although everyone can wear yellow if they want to, this color still symbolizes nobility and grace. Another color that is used on special occasions is red. If anyone wears red clothes from head to toe, it usually means that this person has something to celebrate. For example, many people like to wear red during traditional festivals.

What is your morning routine?

Sample Answer

In fact, whenever I wake up I like to drink one full glass of slightly cold water. Then what I do is to put my running shoes on and go for a walk for around 30 minutes. After exercising, when I come back I’m all worked up so I quickly take my shower and then have my breakfast. It is about 7 a.m., I will set out to school for the whole day study.


Do you think eating breakfast is essential to you?

Sample Answer

From personal point, eating breakfast is essential to me, because it offers us the energy we need for the whole day. Before eating breakfast, our body has consumed all the energy we got from previous meals. Consequently, we need to eat some food in the morning to get enough energy and nutrient to support our body. If we don’t have breakfast, then we have no enough energy to do our work efficiently. Also, people who skip breakfast will get weight easily. If you don’t have breakfast, then you will eat more food at noon and in the evening. Generally speaking, we don’t have much excise in the evening while we eat too much food. As a result, the surplus calorie will be stored in our body and make us fat. All in all, people should eat breakfast for the good of our health and for the good of keeping a good body shape.


Have you ever changed your morning routine?

Sample Answer

The answer is definitely yes. I have ever changed my morning routine. The reason is that I tried to retain the sense of renewal and recharging. One way to achieve it is to tweak my morning routine. I used to wake up late and have no exercises, which is detrimental for my health. Therefore I rearranged my morning routine. I wake up early and have morning exercises for 30 minutes, then I feel refresh to go to school.


Do you prefer fashionable or comfortable shoes?

Sample Answer

This is a great question. From my personal point, when it comes to shoes, the comfort one is always the number one priority. The main reason is that comfortable shoes are easy to walk for a long distance, while fashionable shoes are tight and uncomfortable for daily walking.


How often do you buy shoes?

Sample Answer

I buy shoes probably once in three months. Because my shoes tend to be quite durable and comfortable, so I will purchase some good quality of shoes. It usually lasts a long time before they are worn out. Also I am busy with school work and there is no enough time to buy shoes always





Do you buy shoes online?

Sample Answer

My answer is definitely not. Undeniably, I often buy other stuffs online, but if I want to shop for shoes, I would rather go to a shoe store. Because the problem with shopping online is that you will not be able to try them on and may end up buying a pair of shoes that does not fit for you.


Do you like to cook?

Sample Answer

Yes. I really enjoy cooking. When I prepare something tasty for my families and friends, the smile on their faces can always bring me a sense of joy and success. Plus my manual ability could be improved when I am cooking food. Hence, cooking is my favorite.


How often do you cook?

Sample Answer

Nearly three times a week. I am really into cooking. When it comes to weekends, I tend to get up early in the morning and make big breakfasts for my families. Sometimes, I also go shopping in the local supermarkets to prepare something tasty for my parents. It can always bring me a sense of joy and success.


When did you eat the meat last time?

Sample Answer

Uhm, let me see. As a vegetarian, I ate the meat half a year ago. I hardly eat any meat actually since I read an authoritative report about the benefits of having vegetables. So it is rare for me to eat any meat in my daily life.


Do you like to eat out in restaurants or cook at home?

Sample Answer

I prefer cooking at home to eating out in restaurants. Because I think it’s much healthier. I can keep everything under control, especially about the dose of relishes I use. If I eat outside, the cooks may overuse some seasonings or additives to flavor food. Though the food tastes good, it will do harm to my health if I eat out from time to time.


Do you like watching movies?

Sample Answer

Definitely, I am a movie lover. I like watching nearly all kinds of movies, no matter they are comedies or tragedies. Film watching is considered to be one of the most enjoyable leisure activities in my free time. It is delightful to enjoy a movie after a tiring work.


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