朗阁首页 > 雅思频道 > 雅思题库 > [雅思题库]2018年5月雅思口语考试考题题库


来源:网络 2018-05-02 编辑:朗阁小编 雅思托福0元试学








Part 1

Hometown                                                   Home

Work or studies                                                 High school

Transportation                                            Sleeping

Friend                                                          Family

Children                                                      Teenagers

Names                                                         Daily Routine

Boat                                                              Jewelry

Applications (app)                                      Ideal work

Dictionary                                                    Music

Animal/Pet                                                  Gift

Park                                                              Computer

Handwriting                                                Meal

Newspaper                                                  Rainy days

Advertisement                                            Outside activities

Swimming                                                   Physical Exercises


Part 2

Describe a public park or garden

Describe an interesting place that few people know

Describe a place you know where people go to listen to music (such as a theatre or a music hall).

Describe a leisure facility (cinema, theater, sports center) you would like to have in your hometown

Describe a public place that you think needs improvement

Describe a city or a country you want to live or work in the future

Describe a place where you often visit with your friends or family

Describe a dream home you would like to have.

Describe an exciting book you have read

Describe something you bought according to an advertisement you saw

Describe a piece of furniture

Describe a traditional product in your country

Describe a product you bought and felt happy

Describe a toy that you had in your childhood

Describe a good photo you had or a good photo of you taken by someone

Describe a businessman you admire

Describe someone who is knowledgeable

Describe an interesting person from another country.

Describe a person that you think is a good parent.

Describe a popular person you know

Describe a famous athlete you know or a successful sportsman

Describe a time you felt happy that you used your cellphone

Describe a memorable story told by someone

Describe a situation or a time when you helped someone.

Describe an experience that you taught a friend or a relative

Describe an achievement that you are proud of

Describe a (long) car journey you went on.

Describe something you learned in a place/from a person/out of school

Describe a special/meaningful meal you had

Describe a special day out that didn’t cost you much

Describe a time that you were late

Describe a time you saved money for something.

Describe something important that you celebrated (with others).

Describe an activity with an old people in your family

Describe an occasion when someone visited your home

Describe a good service you received

Describe an occasion when you had to be polite.

Describe a period of history that you think interesting

Describe a historical event you know

Describe something or activity you do to stay healthy

Describe an occasion where somebody gave you positive suggestions

Describe a (good) decision someone made

Describe a rule at your school that you agree or disagree

Describe an important skill which cannot be learned at school

Describe an important letter you received

Describe an advertisement (that you saw or heard)

Describe a subject of science that you learned in secondary/high school

Describe your favorite season in a year

Describe a piece of technology you like (except computer)

Describe an important rive or a lake or area of water in your country/in your hometown

Describe a TV program (TV series / drama) you enjoy watching







雅思培训 雅思考试 题库 朗阁 雅思口语

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  • 适用人群
  • 词汇量1000
  • 词汇量1500
  • 词汇量2000以上
  • 词汇量6000以上
  • 开课时间
  • 热报中
  • 滚动开班
  • 即将开班
  • 热报中



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