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来源:网络 2012-10-19 编辑:PMC_ivy 雅思托福0元试学





   朗阁雅思培训中心分析认为,在进行句子填空题的读题时,空前后两边相邻的一些关键信息像介词,连词,动词等是我们着重要关注的,比如and, or, either… or …, both … and …, 等,这些词左右两边的语法结构应该*持一致。


   Ø “二合一转述”之“并列关系转述”




   【原创范例】      1There are high-speed trains in Japan and ……….


   (2Float records changes in salinity and ……….


   (3Realists focused on events that were ……… and typical rather than extraordinary.


   (4Some governments encourage the new industry by ………. and offering extra tax breaks.


   【范例剖析】      看过这四个例子会发现:







   第4and左边有by,而右边是offering extra tax breaks,因此我们完全可以推断此处应填“动名词词组”。


     【范例原文】   (1) These kind of trains can be found not only in Japan but also in Italy.


                   (2) It collects all sorts of data, most importantly variations in salinity – that’s salt levels - and the changes in temperature.


                   (3) However, as to the Realists, it seems that more emphasis was put on ordinary and typical events, rather than extraordinary or exotic.


                   (4) Some governments subsidize this technology. While in some countries, you do not have to pay as much tax on the purchase of a hybrid car as you would have to on a regular car. This is generally called a tax break


   【范例答案】    (1) Italy

   (2) temperature changes in temperature

   (3) ordinary

   (4) subsidizing (the) technology


   Ø “二合一转述”之“因果关系转述”




   【典型范例】   The insulation might cause the Earth ……………


   【范例原文】   The insulation might get thicker. Because of this, the Earth might get warmer.


   【范例剖析】   听题过程中,because一词的出现应*对应上题目中的cause,此处答案为: get warmer


   “因果关系”转述的特点决定了在考试中,一些表示因果关系的词的出现也必须引起重视,比如because, so, cause, lead to, generated by等。




   【典型范例】    Main focus of lecture: the impact of ………… on the occurrence of dust storms.


   【范例原文】    As you know, dust storms have always been a feature of desert climates, but what we want to focus on today is the extent to which human activity is causing them


   【范例剖析】   除了but之外,此题另外一个帮助缩小定位的词就是causing一词,能够与题目中的impact*对应上。而此处的答案即为:human activity



   Ø “转述关系”之“主被动转述”




   【典型范例】   The metal industry was established at Riverside Village by ………… who lived in the area.


   【范例原文】   At that time, local craftsmen first built an iron forge just behind the village here, on the bend in the river.


   【范例剖析】  读题时应能够判断这个句

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