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来源:网络 2017-06-12 编辑:PMC_ivy 雅思托福0元试学



  Arnold Schwarzenegger says his estranged wife has not read his upcoming memoir in which he discusses the secret child he fathered with a family housekeeper.


  But in a TV interview with CBS program 60 Minutes, the action star turned politician said he wanted to write a book that included what his "failures" as well as his successful and multi-faceted career.

  但在CBS电视台的60 Minutes采访节目中,这位由动作明星转型的政治家表示,他想写一本全方位概括其职业生涯的书,书中会提及自己的种种“失败”历程以及成功经验。

  Schwarzenegger's book Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story, is to be published on October 1.


  Publisher Simon & Schuster has said the former California governor began writing it before the May 2011 scandal over the son he fathered with his housekeeper while married to Maria Shriver.

  出版商西蒙&舒斯特公司表示, 这位前加州州长在2011年5月份私生子丑闻爆出之前便开始写书,当时与玛丽亚--施赖弗的婚姻还在存续。

  The revelations led the couple to start divorce proceedings ending their 25-year marriage.


  In an interview with 60 Minutes, which will air Sunday, journalist Lesley Stahl asked Schwarzenegger, 65, if Shriver knew the affair was in his book.

  在60 Minutes的采访中,记者莱斯利-斯塔尔问到现年6*的施瓦辛格,如果施赖弗知道他的风流史就在书里结果会如何。

  "She knows that it's about my whole life and that I would not write a book and kind of leave out that part and make people feel like, 'Well, wait a minute. Are we just getting a book about his success stories and not talk about his failures?' And that's not the book I wanted to write. I wanted to write the book about me. Here's my life."


  According to an advance copy obtained by the New York Daily News, Schwarzenegger writes that he and housekeeper Mildred Baena had sex in 1996 while his family was away on vacation.


  The Austrian-born former body-builder, who became one of Hollywood's biggest movie stars, is promoting the book on his official website with a video and the tagline, "This story you know. Are you ready for the story you don't?"


  Since ending his term as Republican governor, Schwarzenegger has returned to movies with The Expendables 2 in August and has five more films in the pipeline. He has launched a global policy think tank in his name at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles campus.


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