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来源:网络 2014-06-26 编辑:朗阁培训小编 雅思托福0元试学


搭配题是选择题的一种变形。在雅思听力中,搭配题所占的比例并不大,但是考的时候一定是连续的4题以上,较多的是连续7题。总的来看搭配题所占比例为6.4%, 也就是平均考2.5题(40题中)左右。这种题型是希望拿的同学必不可少的一关。

    搭配题是选择题的一种变形。在雅思听力中,搭配题所占的比例并不大,但是考的时候一定是连续的4题以上,较多的是连续7题。总的来看搭配题所占比例为6.4%, 也就是平均考2.5题(40题中)左右。这种题型是希望拿的同学必不可少的一关。
如剑6 Test 1 Section 2
Questions 11-16
What change has been made to each part of the theatre?
Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to questions 11-16.
A doubled in number
B given separate entrance
C reduced in number
D increased in size
E replaced
F strengthened
G temporarily closed
Part of the theatre
11 box office                       ………………………..
12 shop                            ………………………..
13 ordinary seats                   ………………………..
14 seats for wheelchair users       ………………………..
15 lifts                              ………………………..
16 dressing rooms                  ………………………..
再如剑7 Test 1 Section 2
Questions 17-20
What does the speaker say about the following items?
Write the correct letter, A, B or C, next to questions 17-20.
A     They are provided in all tents.
B     They are found in central areas of the campsite.
C     They are available on request.
17 barbecues              ………………………..
18 toys                    ………………………..
19 cool boxes              ………………………..
20 mops and buckets      ………………………..
如剑7 Test 1 Section 2的文字答案:
When it comes to our tents, these are equipped to the highest standard. We really do think of every essential detail. From an oven and cooking rings fuelled by bottled gas, to mirrors in the bedroom areas. If you don''t want to cook indoors, you can borrow a barbecue if you ask in advance for one to be made available, and there''s even a picnic blanket to sit on outside your tent. Inside, a box of games and toys can be found, and children''s tents can be hired if required. All tents have a fridge, and if you want to spend the day on the beach, for example, ask for a specially designed PS Camping cool box, which will keep your food and drinks chilled. There are excellent washing facilities at all our sites, with washing machines and clothes lines in the central areas, along with mops and buckets in case your tent needs cleaning during your stay. All sites have a cafe and/or a shop for those who''d rather ‘eat in’ than dine at a local restaurant.
如剑6 Test 1 Section 2 13-15的文字答案:
... Yes, we''ve increased the leg-room between the rows. This means that there are now fewer seats but we''ve sure audience will be much happier. And we''ve installed air conditioning, so it won''t get so hot and stuffy. We already ha a few seats which were suitable for wheelchair users, and now there are twice as many, which we hop will meet demand. Something else that will benefit audiences is the new lifts. The two we used to have were very small and slow. They''ve now gone, and we''ve got much more efficient ones. ...
    和上面一篇一样这边的几个定位词——seats, wheelchair和lift不难找到。通过这几个词语我们也能顺理成章的找到答案词语——fewer, twice, gone,通过同义词互换答案也很快出来了,分别是——数字减少C, 2倍A和替换E。
剑5 Test 4 Section 4
Questions 37-40
Which section of the university will help postgraduate students with their dissertations in the following ways?
A the postgraduate’s own department or tutor
B library staff
C another section of the university
Write the correct letter, A, B or C, next to questions 37-40.
37 training in specialized computer programs      ………………………..
38 advising on bibliography presentation           ………………………..
39 checking the draft of the dissertation            ………………………..
40 providing language support                     ………………………..
Some of you may be interested to know that the library is offering specialised training sessions on writing a dissertation. Obviously this is not relevant to those of you who are undergraduates; it is just for postgraduates. Your department will discuss the planning stage of the dissertation - i.e. what you''re going to do - with you and we will focus on the structure of it. However, the training will also include some time on the computers. I realise most of you know how to organise files but we can show you the different ways to run data programmes.
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  • 即将开班
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